NURS 8510 Week 1: Introduction to Implementation, Evaluation, and Dissemination Essay Assignment

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NURS 8510/NURS 8510A/NURS 8510F/NURS 8510M/NURS 8510S/NURS 8510W/NURS 8510C: Evidence-Based Practice III: Implementation, Evaluation, & Dissemination

NURS 8510 Week 1: Introduction to Implementation, Evaluation, and Dissemination Essay Assignment

As you near the completion of your DNP program, it is wise to consider the positive impact that one dedicated individual can have on the lives of many—a notion that is markedly evident in the field of health care. Iconic figures such as Lillian Wald, the first public health nurse in America, are prime examples of how nurse leaders in particular can improve the health and well-being of vast numbers of people. Wald’s legacy of improving the lives of immigrant women and children living in poverty through education, for instance, exemplifies the results attainable through leadership, effective communication, and dissemination of research findings.

Your Practicum Experience provide an excellent opportunity for you to make a unique contribution as a nurse and a leader. In this course, you will examine issues related to implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of an evidence-based project.

This week introduces key components of the course that will require extensive attention in the upcoming weeks. During your practicum experience, you will collaborate with key stakeholders to facilitate your continued professional growth and development as a scholar-practitioner. Looking toward the future, you will create a Post-Graduation Plan that outlines your goals and strategies for moving forward following completion of the DNP program.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this week, you will be able to:
  • Analyze the influence of practicum experiences on professional growth
  • Develop practicum objectives aligned to the AACN Essentials, professional standards, and specialty guidelines

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NURS 8510 Discussion: Using the Practicum Experience for Professional Growth

Get NURS 8510/NURS 8510A/NURS 8510F/NURS 8510M/NURS 8510S/NURS 8510W/NURS 8510C:Evidence-Based-Practice Implementation Evaluation & Dissemination Essay Assignment

Your practicum experiences in NURS 8410, NURS 8400, and NURS 8500 have provided opportunities to gain knowledge, perspective, and skills that bolster your specialty area practice. They have laid a foundation for reflecting on your own strengths and challenges as a scholar-practitioner and a nurse leader in a dynamic workplace. Indeed, significant self-analysis is a core aspect of this course, and you will be asked to integrate this type of reflection into your work on several assignments in the upcoming weeks.

This Discussion serves as a springboard for the Practicum assignment you are to develop this week. As you plan your practicum experience for this course, consider how you can effectively communicate with key stakeholders in your practicum setting regarding the implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of an evidence-based project.

To prepare:

  • View and consider the “To prepare” section of the Week 1 Assignment area.
  • Reflect on your practicum experiences in NURS 8410, NURS 8400, and NURS 8500.
  • Assess the professional growth (including development of leadership and communication skills) you have achieved through previous practicum experiences in the DNP program. Also, think about the topics presented in courses you completed earlier in the program. Are there content areas or skills that you would like to—or may need to—address to facilitate your continued development as a scholar-practitioner and a nurse leader?
  • Think about competencies that support the successful implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of an evidence-based project, and assess your strengths and areas for growth with regard to these competencies.
  • Begin to develop your plan for the practicum, including two or three learning objectives.

By Day 3

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

  • Describe how you intend to use your practicum experience to further your goals for successful evidence-based project implementation, evaluation, and dissemination and for your development as a scholar-practitioner and a nurse leader.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 5

Respond to at least one of your colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence, or research.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
  • Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
  • Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.
  • Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

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Assignment: Practicum Experience

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

The practicum experience provides a significant hands-on opportunity to cultivate your professional growth and development. This course includes a 216-hour practicum as part of the 1,000 clinical hours that are required for the DNP credential.

During your practicum experience for this course, you will cultivate effective interactions to promote the implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of an evidence-based project. In addition, you should pay close attention to the role of leadership in such endeavors and reflect on your own development of leadership competencies, including skillful communication. As you do this, also think about how you may meaningfully contribute to the organization during your remaining time in the setting.

This week you prepare for the practicum experience by developing a plan, including learning objectives and activities. (This is addressed in this week’s Discussion as well.)

To prepare:

  • Think about learning objectives that will guide your practicum hours, as well as the activities you will undertake to achieve those objectives. Draft two or three learning objectives that are related to the AACN Essentials, your practice area specialty competencies, and the focus of this course.
  • Refer to the Practicum Time Log and Journal document found in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Develop a timeline for your practicum experience.
  • You are required to keep a log of the time you spend related to your practicum experience. You can access your time log from the Welcome page in your Meditrek account. Please make sure to continuously input your hours throughout the term. Time logs are reviewed by your instructors in weeks 3, 7 and 11.

To complete:

Write a 1- to 2-page paper that includes the following:

  • Two or three learning objectives for your practicum hours that are aligned to the AACN Essentials, your specialty area competencies, and the focus of this course (i.e., implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of an evidence-based project)
  • Key leadership and other activities you will undertake to fulfill your identified learning objectives
  • A proposed timeline for accomplishing your practicum hours

By Day 7 of Week 1

Submit this Assignment.


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