Walden University – NURS 6730 Week 3 Assignment: Practicum Mentor Interview

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Walden University – NURS 6730 Week 3 Assignment: Practicum Mentor Interview

“Public health continues to redefine and rediscover itself, and a mentor can offer essential guidance, encouragement, and insight in times of uncertainty and stress.” (Mahayosnand & Stigler, 1999)

You have an opportunity in this course to deepen your understanding of complex course topics through your practicum experience and get a glimpse into real world applications of topics like the organization and financing of public health services.

For this NURS 6730 Week 3: Practicum Mentor Interview Assignment, you will interview your practicum mentor to learn from their experience and perspective on the operational aspects of public health organizations.


Mahayosnand, P. P. & Stigler, M. H. (1999). The need for mentoring in public health. American Journal of Public Health, 89(8), 1262-1263. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1508696/pdf/amjph00008-0118.pdf

To prepare NURS 6730 Week 3 Assignment: Practicum Mentor Interview Paper:

  • Review this week’s Resources.
  • Download and review the interview guide in the Resources.
  • Interview your practicum mentor about: 1) his or her experience with finance in public health organizations in general and this agency/organization in particular; and 2) the public health accreditation process, both in general and for this particular agency/organization.

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The NURS 6730 Week 3 Assignment: Practicum Mentor Interview Assignment: (1– to 2–page interview summary)

Write a summary analysis of your interview that includes responses to the following questions:

  • How is this agency/organization funded?
  • How are funding priorities set?
  • If a PHN feels another public health issue needs to be considered a priority and it is not on the agency’s/organization’s agenda, how is it handled?
  • Has the mentor had the experience of needing to stand up for an issue? Explain.
  • How does this agencies/organization get community input on priorities?
  • How has or does this agency/organization influence funding decisions?
  • Then, based on the information gathered, conclude with an analysis of the implications funding has for public health nurse leaders and organizations working to address public health issues.

By Day 7

Submit your Interview Summary Analysis.

Note: Plan to keep the information that you collected during your Preceptor interview on the accreditation process since this will be applied in Week 7.

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