NURS 6221 Human Resources Assignment
NURS 6221 Human Resources Assignment
NURS 6221 Human Resources Assignment
NURS6221 Managing Human Resources Week 2 Assignment (Module 1)
Recruitment and Selection Plan
Think back to an experience, either recent or particularly memorable, in securing a position in a healthcare setting. How did you become aware of the position? Was the job description an accurate representation of the duties and responsibilities of the position? What was the interview process like and were there aspects you would recommend changing? When you were hired, did you feel this was a position that you would want to retain and in which you could grow?
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This Assignment will involve you in following key steps in the recruitment and selection process. No doubt you have experienced this process from the candidate’s perspective. In keeping with your human resource functions as a nurse executive, for this Assignment, you will consider the recruitment and interview process from the hiring perspective. As you do, consider how you can apply your own experiences and insights, in combination with the Learning Resources you use, to develop the most effective recruitment and selection plan that strengthens a healthcare setting with high-quality employees.
Note: There are two parts to this Assignment. Both Parts 1 and 2 will be due on Day 7 of Week 2. Plan your time accordingly. Access and review the document, Recruitment and Selection Plan: Guidelines and Worksheet (located in the Learning Resources), for support in completing the Assignment. The preparation steps this week are intended to guide completion of Part 1 of your Assignment.
Part 1: Job Description Analysis
To Prepare:
Review the Learning Resources on human resource management and recruitment, job analysis, and job design.
Identify a job description from your current healthcare organization or where you have previously worked. Choose a job description that will enable you to determine the type of employees you are looking for as well as the selection criteria.
Based on the job description, develop a recruitment and selection plan. For Part 1, you will focus on developing and refining the job description. Consider:
What are the responsibilities of this job?
What are the competencies and KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, other attributes) required for this job?
How would you evaluate a candidate to determine fit for this position, both in terms of technical competencies for the job and fit with the culture and values of the organization?
How could the job description be improved to ensure a successful hiring process?
Consider how you could use social media, such as LinkedIn or online employment recruitment sites, to maximize the field of qualified recruits.
If you are on LinkedIn, explore how the site functions as a recruitment source. If you are not on LinkedIn, create a profile for this Assignment, and then begin your research.
Identify and explore recruitment websites (e.g., Indeed, ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder) that have been used to recruit for this type of position. Depending on the job, also explore discipline-specific websites where jobs are advertised (e.g.,, ANA’s Career Center). Pay particular attention to how jobs are presented to interested job seekers.
Part 1 Assignment: Job Description Analysis
In 2–3 pages, include the following:
Explain the role of the nurse executive in developing job descriptions and why it represents an essential human resource management function.
Analyze the job description you have selected as the focus of your Assignment. Include the source of the job description and critique the job description for clarity and accuracy.
Explain how well the job description defines the required employee attributes for the job and how it could be improved. If information is available, describe how the tasks and competencies associated with this job may have changed since the job description was conceived.
Write a new or revised job description that reflects your analysis and which you would use for advertising the position and recruiting candidates for the job.
Explain how you would use social media and online job search technology to maximize presentation of the job description and reach a broader share of potential recruits.
Describe two examples of how jobs similar to your chosen position are presented to interested job seekers from the social media and online job sites you visit.
Part 2 Assignment: Interview and Selection Plan
Based on the job description you created or revised in Part 1, design an interview and selection process for that job. In 3–4 pages, include the following:
Describe the ideal candidate for this job, and explain the sources of information you would use in evaluating applicants.
NURS 6221 Human Resources AssignmentExplain an overview of your process to identify, and select that candidate.
Focusing on the interview, explain:
Who within the healthcare organization would be involved in the interview process, and why
Pre-interview guidance and preparation for interviewers and recruits
How interview outcomes would be compiled
How differences in interview ratings would be resolved
List five essential questions you would ask in an interview to evaluate key employee characteristics for this job. For each question, explain what you would look and listen for in the candidate’s response.
Explain how you would measure a candidate and assess the recruit’s fitness for the position.
Analyze your interview and selection process for potential challenges, and explain how you would address those challenges to improve the process and outcomes, including retaining good employees.
The preparation support this week guides completion of Part 2 of your Assignment. Among the requirements is to identify five questions that you would ask a candidate you are interviewing for the specific job you have selected in Part 1, and how you would rate potential responses to each question. Recall the Week 1 Discussion on organizational fit, as well as being mindful of rater bias in evaluating job candidates. Keep in mind both considerations as you plan your approach to the interview and selection process.
Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto
To Prepare:
Review the Learning Resources on recruitment and selection of job applicants. Pay particular attention to Chapter 5 of your Fried & Fottler text on the interview process and developing effective interview questions. Also review the document, “Recruitment and Selection Plan: Guidelines and Worksheet,” found in the Week 2 Learning Resources, to assist your preparation for the Module 1 Assignment.
Based on the job description that you selected and revised, develop a plan for interviewing and evaluating candidates for the target job. Include the following:
Consider competencies and KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes) that you identified in Part 1 of this Assignment.
Identify information sources for assessing the competencies and KSAOs, such as credentials; past work experiences; references, material submitted in the job application, and interview questions.
Determine how to prioritize and evaluate the different requirements for the job.
Identify which specific competencies/KSAOs are best assessed with the use of interview questions. Note that interview questions may supplement other sources of information, such as checking references.
Consider how rater bias will be prevented, identified, and addressed.
Decide who should be involved in the interview process and what guidance and training to provide to interviewers.
Determine how information will be consolidated for each interview and how divergent impressions may be resolved.
Draw on your own experience as a job applicant in a recent or particularly memorable recruitment episode to analyze the recruitment and selection process from an interviewee’s perspective. Consider issues that arose (e.g., internal vs. external applicants treated inequitably), specific challenges, positive and negative outcomes, as well as how the process can be improved.