NURS 4455 Module 2 Assignment 2 Overview: Change Theories Project

NURS 4455 Module 2 Assignment 2 Overview: Change Theories Project

NURS 4455 Module 2 Assignment 2 Overview: Change Theories Project

NURS 4455 Nursing Leadership and Management

Note: You will create a PowerPoint slide presentation (not an APA paper) for this assignment. Submit your assignment through Canvas for grading for this module. If you do not submit a PowerPoint slide presentation you will not receive credit for this assignment.

Overview: Change Theories Project

Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. You will beginby selecting one of the options provided in module one and propose a change to solve the problem. If you do not select one of the provided options you will not receive credit for this assignment. Then you will select one of the change theories you have studied that models how you want to implement the proposed change. You will conduct a SWOT analysisanddevelop a comprehensive action plan.

You will create a PowerPoint presentation of your planwith a“script”intheNotessectionbelow each slide, asifyou are presenting this to an audience.Your script must be in the Notes section that is below each slide within your PowerPoint presentation. See the Resource tab for examples. These will be your speaker notes as if you are presenting your PowerPoint to an audience. You MUST have a notes section for your slides. There will be a 50 point deduction if your notes are not below each slide.

During and after yourwork,you will examine the types of communications, decision-making processes,and processes you use,and commentuponthoseinthelastpartofthe“script.”


1.            Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposedchange (chapter 5)

2.            Analyzetheleadershiprolesandmanagementskillsnecessarytoimplementanewprogram.

3.            Identify your decision-makingprocess.

4.            Demonstrate the elements of the changeprocess.

Action Plan (Pivotal portion ofproject)

Your plan will include atleast-

•             Supporting rationale for implementing the newprogram.

•             Steps and processes necessary to assure staffcompliance.

•             Ways in which you will communicate yourplan.

•             Thechangeprocessyouhavechosen withanexplanationofhowandwhythismodelwas selected.

•             A definition of the leadership style you expect to be mosteffective.

•             What management functions you willutilize.

•             Any budgetrequirements/implications.

•             Theadvantagesanddisadvantagesofusingaworkgroupvs.sendingane-mailannouncing thechange.

•             A plan for how you will handle noncompliance, late majority, laggards,andrejecters.

•             Specifications regarding how you will evaluate the effectiveness of yourproposal.

Youareexpectedtousecurrentprofessionalreferencestosupportyour workthroughout.Atleast twoofyourreferencesmustbefromseparateprofessionalnursingmanagementjournals



You willopen a newPowerPointpresentation andsave ittoyourcomputerdesktoporotherstorage device with the filename: N4455_ YOURNAME. In the actual file, YOURNAME shouldbereplaced by yourname.

ThepresentationshouldincludeslideswiththescriptintheNotessectionofeachslide.This scriptreflectswhatwouldbesaidatanoralpresentationofthechangeproposaltokey stakeholders.Theslidesshouldbecreatedasfollows-

Slide1:   Title Slide – Title and YourName Slide2:  Introduction with chosen

Change Theory

Slide3:   SWOTAnalysis

IdentifytheStrengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,andThreatsassociatedwith implementingorfailingtoimplementtheproposedplan.

Slides4-14:          ActionPlan

Discussthedetailsoftheimplementationplan.Demonstratetheapplicationof theorytothespecificdecisionsandrecommendations.

•             Change theorymodel

•             Steps andprocesses

•             plan

•             Leadershipstyles

•             Managementfunctions

•             Budgetrequirements/implications

•             Steps to assure staffcompliance

•             Evaluation

Slide15:                Decision-makingprocess

Analyze the decision-making process used. What was effective orineffectiveandwhat would you change in the future? (Note-Your slides should be indicativeof whatwouldbeusedinthepresentationtothestakeholders,andthescriptinthe Notessectionshoulddescribetothestakeholdershowyouarrivedatdecisions.Then,alsointheNotes,describeinparenthesestheeffectiveand ineffective methods or situations involved in your work. You would probably notgointosuchdetailsinyourpresentationtostakeholders!)

Slide16:                References

Throughout: Minimum of three APA references, correct APAformat,spelling,andgrammar

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