NURS 3325 Discussion Driving Holistic Care of Older Adults
NURS 3325 Discussion Driving Holistic Care of Older Adults
NURS 3325 Discussion Driving Holistic Care of Older Adults
Answer the following questions while preparing for your Windshield survey and consider these when completing your paper.
1. Nurses incorporate questions about driving to identify the need for a more comprehensive assessment. What questions would you ask?
2. What are some common risk factors that can affect driving?
3. What are some common referrals related to driving safety?
4. How will this fit with the geriatric windshield paper?
5. Cite your reference using APA format
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All drivers face risks, but the factor that contributes most to crashes and deaths appears to be inexperience. Newly licensed drivers, primarily teenagers, have the highest crash rates, but even drivers well into their twenties have higher crash rates than older drivers.
Risk factors for motor vehicle crashes that are particularly elevated among teenage drivers include:
- Inexperience
- Teenage passengers
- Distraction while driving, including from using cell phones and texting
- Driving at excessive speeds, close following, and other risky driving
- Drinking and driving. While drinking and driving is not very high among novices, it causes a disproportionate number of fatal crashes. In the later teen years and young adulthood, drinking and driving increases greatly.
- Driving at night
- Being male. Teenage boys, especially ones with male passengers, are involved in more car crashes than teenage girls. However, the number of females involved in car crashes is increasing.
- Social norms. Risky driving among teenage drivers is higher among teens who report that their friends drive in a risky manner.
Often, several of these risk factors are present: In particular, teens who text while driving are more likely to have other risky driving behaviors as well, compared to those who don’t text while driving. These additional risk factors include drinking and driving and not using a seatbelt. In addition, young drivers who own their cars may take more risks. They are more likely to speed, especially at night, and have two or more teen passengers with them.
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A positive factor for teen drivers is the presence of an adult passenger. One study showed that teen crash rates were 75% lower when an adult was in the car.