NSG 6005 Week 5 Assignment 2 Quiz

NSG 6005 Week 5 Assignment 2 Quiz

NSG 6005 Week 5 Assignment 2 Quiz

1 .Question : Jake, a forty-five-year-old patient with schizophrenia, was recently hospitalized for acute psychosis due to medication noncompliance .He was treated with intramuscular (IM) long-acting haloperidol .Besides being monitored for his schizophrenia symptoms, the patient should be assessed by his primary care provider:
For excessive weight loss
With the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) for extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) symptoms
Monthly for tolerance to the haloperidol
Only by the mental health provider as most nurse practitioners in primary care do not care for mentally ill patients
Question 2 Sarah, a forty-two-year-old female, requests a prescription for an anorexiant to treat her obesity .A trial of phentermine is prescribed .Prescribing precautions include understanding that:
Obesity is a contraindication to prescribing phentermine .
Anorexiants may cause tolerance and should only be prescribed for six months .
Patients should be monitored for postural hypotension .
Renal function should be monitored closely while the patient is on anorexiants .
Question 3 .Cara is taking levetiracetam (Keppra) to treat seizures .Routine education for levetiracetam includes reminding her:
To not abruptly discontinue levetiracetam due to the risk of withdrawal seizures
To wear a sunscreen due to photosensitivity from levetiracetam
To get an annual eye exam while on levetiracetam
To report weight loss if it occurs
Question 4 .A nineteen-year-old male was started on risperidone .Monitoring for risperidone includes observing for common side effects, including:
Bradykinesia, akathisia, and agitation
Excessive weight gain
Potentially fatal agranulocytosis
Question 5 .Prior to starting antidepressants, patients should have laboratory testing to rule out:
Diabetes mellitus
Low estrogen levels

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