NSG 512 WEEK 1 Study Analysis: Preliminary Study Review

NSG 512 WEEK 1 Study Analysis: Preliminary Study Review

NSG 512 WEEK 1 Study Analysis: Preliminary Study Review: The ability to critique and evaluate various types of research articles is fundamental to evidence-based practice and generating new research.

Select two of the attached articles – one quantitative study and one qualitative study. You will use these same articles for assignments in Weeks 3-5.

For each article, answer questions 1-5 from Box 3.3 Additional Questions for a Preliminary Review of a Study on p. 63 of Nursing Research (click the Exercise tab)

  • Type your answers in a Microsoft® Word document using the template provided in the Class Messages.
  • Include the article’s title before your answers.

Provide APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all sources. Include an APA-formatted title page.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment- NSG 512 WEEK 1 Study Analysis: Preliminary Study Review.


NSG 512 WEEK 2 Study Analysis: Critiquing Literature Reviews

Critiquing literature reviews allows you to determine if there is a need for a study, if the information is out dated, identifies prior theoretical frameworks to guide your study, reveal gaps that exist in the literature, and many other supportive indicators.

Write a response to the questions in Box 5.4 Guidelines for Critiquing Literature Reviews on p. 112 of Nursing Research using the attached article.

  • Type your answers in a Microsoft® Word document using the template provided in the Class Messages.

Provide APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all sources. Include an APA-formatted title page.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

NSG 512 WEEK 3 Study Analysis: Critiquing Research Designs

A study’s design method section should explicitly detail how the author conducted research and assessed the hypothesis. This is vital because it allows other researchers to replicate the design methods as a secondary source or in a systematic review for possible health care implications.

Analyze the study design of one of the studies you selected in Week 1 by writing a response to the questions in one of the following:

  • Box 9.1 Guidelines for Critiquing Research Designs in Quantitative Studies located on p. 210 of Nursing Research if you selected the quantitative study
  • Box 21.1 Guidelines for Critiquing Qualitative Designs located on p. 483 of Nursing Research if you selected the qualitative study
  • Type your answers in a Microsoft® Word document using the template provided in the Class Messages.
  • Include the article’s title before your answers.

Provide APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all sources. Include an APA-formatted title page.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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NSG 512 WEEK 4 Study Analysis: Testing Validity

Testing validity assesses whether research reliably measures the intended purpose of the study and produces facts that are not biased and ambiguous.

Analyze the validity of both studies you selected in Week 1.

For each article, write a response answering the questions in the following:

  • Box 10.1 Guidelines for Critiquing Design Elements and Study Validity in QuantitativeStudies on p. 232 of Nursing Research for your quantitative article.
  • Box 25.1 Guidelines for Evaluating Quality and Integrity in Qualitative Studies on p. 571 of Nursing Research for your qualitative article.
  • Type your answers in a Microsoft® Word document using the template provided in the Class Messages.
  • Include the article’s title before your answers.

Provide APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all sources. Include an APA-formatted title page.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

NSG 512 WEEK 5 Learning Team: Systematic Review Critique

Systematic reviews are the pillars of evidence-based health care and are secondary research, which is the development of a study based upon prior research. Researchers compile studies into one review and conduct a thorough analysis of an issue. These reviews allow researchers to judge the quality of studies and make suggestions after replicating the research methods used. This method of research is popular in the health care industry because it identifies solutions to complex issues, increases accuracy, and resolves discrepancies.

Read the open-access article assigned to your team.

  • Atkins, S., Lewin, S., Smith, H., Engel, M., Fretheim, A., & Volmink, J. (2008). Conducting a meta-ethnography of qualitative literature: Lessons learned. BMC Medical Research Methodology8, 21.
  • Bridges, J., Nicholson, C., Maben, J., Pope, C., Flatley, M., Wilkinson, C., … Tziggili, M. (2013). Capacity for care: Meta-ethnography of acute care nurses’ experiences of the nurse-patient relationship. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69, 760-772.
  • Li, Z. Z., Li, Y., Lei, X., Zhang, D., Liu, L., Tang, S., & Chen, L. (2014). Prevalence of suicidal ideation in Chinese college students: A meta-analysis. PLoS One, 9, e104368.

Utilize the resources in the Chapter 29 Systematic Reviews of Research Evidence: Meta-Analysis, Meta-synthesis, and Mixed Studies Review toolkit as a guide to completing your systematic review critique. Box 29.1 in the toolkit provides critiquing guidelines.

Prepare an 8- to 12-slide (excluding title and references) presentation using Microsoft® PowerPoint® summarizing your findings. Include detailed speaker notes.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your team’s presentation.

NSG 512 WEEK 5 Study Analysis: Research Design Evaluation

Analyze both studies you selected in Week 1 and utilize the information you gathered in the Week 3 Study Analysis: Critiquing Research Designs and Week 4 Study Analysis: Testing Validity assignments.

Write an evaluation of the research design for each study. Discuss whether the design was appropriate and why. Also highlight aspects of the design that could have been improved, particularly in relation to validity and reliability. Limit paper to 1000-1250 words.

Provide three APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all sources. You may include the articles you selected in Week 1 and Nursing Research as sources. Use the sample paper provided in the Materials section and include an APA-formatted title page.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment as a single file containing both evaluations.

NSG 512 WEEK 6 Systematic Review Critique Reflection

Write an individual (this is NOT a team assignment) 250-word response to one team’s (other than your own) systematic review presentation.

Provide APA-formatted in-text citations and references for all sources. Include an APA-formatted title page.

I will post all presentations for you to select from by Wednesday of this week.