NSG 451 Ethical Issues in Research Assignment

NSG 451 Ethical Issues in Research Assignment Week 2 assignment

As you develop a research proposal, you must consider the
ethical issues related to it.

Determine the ethical considerations related to the research
question you developed in Week 1.

Consider the seven main principles of ethical research
introduced in this week’s learning activity, Research Ethics Guidance: Ethical Issues in Research NSG 456

Social and clinical value

Scientific validity

Fair subject selection

Favorable risk-benefit ratio

Independent review

Informed consent

Respect for potential and enrolled subjects

Summarize the ethical issues related to your topic in one of
the following formats:

18-slide presentation

15-minute oral presentation

850-word paper

Another format approved by your instructor

Cite at least one peer-reviewed and one evidence-based
resource in APA format.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment


Ethics is rooted in the ancient Greek philosophical inquiry of moral life. It refers to a system of principles which can critically change previous considerations about choices and actions. [1] It is said that ethics is the branch of philosophy which deals with the dynamics of decision making concerning what is right and wrong. Scientific research work, as all human activities, is governed by individual, community and social values. Research ethics involve requirements on daily work, the protection of dignity of subjects and the publication of the information in the research.

Assignment: Ethical Issues in Research NSG 451However, when nurses participate in research they have to cope with three value systems; society; nursing and science. The societal values about human rights, the nursing culture based on the ethic of caring and the researcher’s values about scientific inquiry. According to Clarke these values may conflict with the values of subjects, communities, and societies and create tensions and dilemmas in nursing. [3]

In this paper, the most important ethical issues will be addressed. After a short description of the nature of nursing, and the advocacy role of nurses, the writer will attempt to highlight the possible conflicts that nurses have to deal with, when undertaking or participating in research.