NRSG 311 Unit 2 – Individual Project CTU

Assignment Details

Assignment Description

Assignment Details

You are working in a healthcare setting that is adopting an electronic health record system to replace paper medical records. The nurse manager has asked a group of the nurses to train all staff on the regulatory issues that affect patient privacy and confidentiality related to the new system. You have used computers to complete medical records at another facility, so you are going to be conducting this training and preparing a summary paper on the topic for your colleagues.

Write a 2-page paper on the following:

  • Identify 1 regulation that affects the use of healthcare information.
  • Write a paper discussing all of the following:
    • The history of the regulation (why or how it came into being)
    • The effect of the regulation on the behaviors and actions of nurses
    • The effect of the regulation on the delivery of healthcare
  • Include at least 2 references in addition to the textbook.
  • Format the paper in APA style.

Please use this APA Style for CTU Students link for help with APA formatting. Use the CTU Writing Style Guide (templates provided), not the Introductory Writing Style Guide.

Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This IP Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It is the road map that can help you in the development of your IP. Individual Project Grading Rubric

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Assignment : NRSG311 – U2IP – Regulation of Electronic Health Care Information
Level of Achievement Exemplary – exceeds expectations Proficient – meets expectations Fair – needs improvement Poor – does not meet expectations Score:
Total points possible: 175 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 0-69%
Criteria percent of score
Describe 1 regulation that affects the use of health care information. (Max 26.25 points) 15% Describes, in detail, 1 regulation that affects the use of health care information (23.63-26.25 points) Briefly describes 1 regulation that affects the use of health care information (21-23.36 points) Identifies 1 regulation that affects the use of health care information, but does not provide details of the selected regulation. (19.16-20.74 points) Does not identify 1 regulation that affects the use of health care information (18.9 points or less.)
Discuss the history of  the regulation (why or how it came into being). (Max 26.25 points) 15% Discusses, in detail, the history of  the regulation (why or how it came into being) (23.63-26.25) Briefly discusses the history of  the regulation (why or how it came into being)  (21-23.36 points) Briefly outlines the history of  the regulation (why or how it came into being) (19.16-20.74 points) Does not discuss the history of  the regulation (why or how it came into being) (18.9 points or less.)
Review the effect of the regulation on the behaviors and actions of nurses. (Max 52.5 points) 30% Reviews, in detail,  the effect of the regulation on the behaviors and actions of nurses (47.25-52.5 points) Briefly reviews the effect of the regulation on the behaviors and actions of nurses 42-46.73  points) Outlines the effect of the regulation on the behaviors and actions of nurses, without specific detail (38.33-41.48points) Does not review the effect of the regulation on the behaviors and actions of nurses (37.8 points or less)
Explain the effect of the regulation on the delivery of health care. (Max 52.5 points) 30% Explains, in detail,  the effect of the regulation on the delivery of health care (47.25-52.5 points) Briefly explains the effect of the regulation on the delivery of health care (42-46.73 points) Outlines the effect of the regulation on the delivery of health care, without specific detail (38.33-41.48 points) Does not explain the effect of the regulation on the delivery of health care (37.8 points or less)
Spelling, Grammar, APA format; include at least 2 references in addition to the textbook. (Max 17.5 points) 10% No spelling or grammatical errors. Less than 2 errors in APA formatting.  (15.75-17.5 points) 1-2  spelling or grammatical errors. Less than 4 errors in APA formatting. (14-15.58 points) 4-5  spelling or grammatical errors.  4-6 errors in APA formatting. (12.78-13.83 points) More than 5 spelling or grammatical errors. More than 6 errors in APA formatting. (12.6 points or less)
100% Total score: 0