NR565 Week 6 Respiratory Protocol Paper

Chamberlain NR565 W6 Respiratory Protocol Paper

Follow these guidelinesLinks to an external site. when completing each component of the assignment.

NR565 Week 6 Respiratory Protocol General Instructions

Explore current literature and clinical practice guidelines to complete the clinical treatment protocol template.

  1. Complete the protocol outline templateLinks to an external site. to develop a protocol for asthma treatment. Use of the template is required. A 10% deduction will be applied if the template is not used. See the rubric.
  2. Provide references for your protocol at the bottom of the form where indicated. References should come from the following sources:
    1. Asthma Clinical Practice Guideline
    2. Course Textbook (for individual medication information)
    3. Journal Articles from within the last five years as defined by program expectationsLinks to an external site..
  3. Follow APA grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with formal, scholarly writing.
  4. No more than one short direct quote (15 words or less) may be used in this assignment.
  5. First person should not be used within this assignment.
  6. At least three scholarly references must be used for this assignment.
  7. Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric).

Pharmacological Treatment 

  1. Correctly complete all blanks for the preferred and alternative medication for each step of therapy noted in the CPG.
  2. List medications in order according to the CPG.
  3. List generic medication names for each category.
  4. Provide an in-text citation under the completed table.

Treatment Differences in Adults and Children 

  1. Correctly list the first line of initial pharmacologic treatment in step one; track one for asthmatic adults.  (7a on the form)
  2. Correctly list the first line of initial pharmacologic treatment in step one, track one for asthmatic children ages 6-11. (7b on the form)
  3. Correctly list drug dose, route, frequency, instructions, precautions, drug cost, and education for adult and pediatric clients.
  4. Provide in-text citations under the information for adults and pediatric clients.

Treatment Monitoring 

  1. List the physical assessments required for monitoring the first-line medications prescribed to adults for track one, step one.
  2. List the pulmonary function tests required for monitoring the first-line medications prescribed to adults for track one, step one.
  3. List the laboratory tests required for monitoring the first-line medications prescribed to adults for track one, step one.
  4. Provide an in-text citation under the treatment monitoring section.

Treatment Failure 

  1. Describe how you will know that treatment is not working or needs to progress.
  2. Describe the next step if treatment is not working or needs to progress.
  3. Describe the indicators that would demonstrate that the client requires a higher level of care.
  4. Provide an in-text citation under the treatment failure section.

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NR565_W6_Respiratory Protocol Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Pharmacological Treatment

4 required criteria

1. Correctly complete all blanks for the preferred and alternative medication for each step of therapy noted in the CPG

2. List medications in order according to the CPG.

3. List generic medication names for each category.

4. Provide an in-text citation under the completed table.

40 pts


All requirements met.

36 pts

Very Good

3 requirements met.

33 pts


2 requirements met.

20 pts

Needs Improvement

1 requirement met.

0 pts


No requirements met.

40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Treatment Differences in Adults and Children

4 required criteria

1. Correctly list the first line initial pharmacologic treatment in step one, track one for asthmatic adults. (7a on the form)

2. Correctly list the first line initial pharmacologic treatment in step one, track one for asthmatic children ages 6-11. (7b on the form)

3. Correctly list drug dose, route, frequency, instructions, precautions, drug cost, and education for adult and pediatric clients.

4. Provide in-text citations under the information for adults and pediatric clients.

25 pts


All requirements met.

23 pts

Very Good

3 requirements met.

21 pts


2 requirements met.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

1 requirement met.

0 pts


No requirements met.

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Treatment Monitoring

4 required criteria

1. List the physical assessments required for monitoring the first-line medications prescribed to adults for track one, step one.

2. List the pulmonary function tests required for monitoring the first-line medications prescribed to adults for track one, step one.

3. List the laboratory tests required for monitoring the first-line medications prescribed to adults for track one, step one.

4. Provide an in-text citation under the treatment monitoring section.

25 pts


All requirements met.

23 pts

Very Good

3 requirements met.

21 pts


2 requirements met.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

1 requirement met.

0 pts


No requirements met.

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Treatment Failure

4 required criteria

1. Describe how you will know that treatment is not working or needs to progress.

2. Describe the next step if treatment is not working or needs to progress.

3. Describe the indicators that would demonstrate that the client requires a higher level of care.

4. Provide an in-text citation under the treatment failure section.

25 pts


All requirements met.

23 pts

Very Good

3 requirements met.

21 pts


2 requirements met.

13 pts

Needs Improvement

1 requirement met.

0 pts


No requirements met.

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Format: Citation and Reference Formation

Use the current APA format to format citations and references and is free of errors.

10 pts


0-1 errors.

9 pts

Very Good

2-3 errors.

8 pts


4-5 errors.

5 pts

Needs Improvement

6-7 errors.

0 pts


More than 7 errors.

10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Scholarly Sources

3 Required Criteria

Provide resources from at least three scholarly sources.

15 pts


All requirements met.

13 pts


2 requirements met.

8 pts

Needs Improvement

1 requirement met.

0 pts


No requirements met.

15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Template Used
0 pts

No Points Deducted

Correct template used.

0 pts

Points Deducted

14 points deducted (10%) for incorrect or no template used

0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Late Penalty Deduction

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.

0 pts

No Points Deducted

Assignment submitted on time. No points deducted.

0 pts

Points Deducted

Assignment submitted late. Loss of -10% points/day up to 3 days late.

0 pts
Total Points: 140


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