NR 509 Week 8 Summary Reflection Post

NR 509 Week 8 Summary Reflection Post


In order to provide high quality healthcare to patients, the provider of care must possess the skills and competency indicative of a high quality medical provider. The rationale for measuring quality improvement is the belief that good performance reflects good-quality practice. A quality improvement strategy is … as any intervention aimed at reducing the quality gap. Therefore, students must aim to achieve the skills and competencies indicative of high quality healthcare providers through the systematic implementation of a quality improvement strategy.

Program Outcomes
This activity is guided by Program Outcome (PO) 1:

PO1. Provide high quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles. (holistic health & patient-centered care)

The purposes of this activity are to:

(a) reflect upon providing high quality healthcare to patients,
(b) identify knowledge deficits as determined by the 3P examination,
(c) identify educational resources available through the Chamberlain University library,
(d) create a self-driven quality improvement plan aimed at decreasing knowledge deficits and improving performance, and
(e) share your improvement strategies with student peers.