NR 505 Week 6 Assignment, Completing the MSN EBP Practice Proposal

NR 505 Week 6 Assignment, Completing the MSN EBP Practice Proposal

NR 505 Week 6 Assignment, Completing the MSN EBP Practice Proposal

This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to complete their MSN EBP proposal.  Students will apply faculty feedback from prior work demonstrated through correction of prior submissions of the proposal; and submit a fully corrected copy based on feedback from their faculty on prior graded course assignments. This assignment includes the knal sections of the proposal which is the solution impact and translation of the results.
Description of the Assignment
For this assignment, the student will review all prior work and assignments for the course preparing a corrected and complete MSN EBP project proposal based on faculty feedback provided on each assignment. This assignment includes the knal sections of the proposal which is solution description and translation of the results.
Criteria for Content:
  1.  The paper (excluding the title page and reference page and Appendices) should … at least 15, but no more than 30 pages. Points will … lost for not meeting these length requirements.
  2. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.
  3. This paper is a complete correction of all prior assignments that combined become the MSN EBP project proposal. All corrections and suggestions made by faculty on prior work is to present. Students will explain the evaluation plan and discuss how the results from the proposal will or would … translated into practice and disseminated throughout their specialty track.
  4. The paper should … presented in the following ordered sections:
  5. Assignment Revision: The student is to include the information from Week 4 assignment. All revisions identiked from faculty feedback are to … included. The conclusion from Week 4 should … removed.
  6. Information from Week 5 assignment (Data Collection Methodology and Analysis) is included even though faculty review is not yet complete. By including this information, prior to faculty review, the entire EBP project proposal is complete.
  7. Solution Impact: In this section, the student assumes that a positive outcome was determined by collected data and identikes a process by which the practice change will … evaluated. Using the selected change model, the student will provide a detailed planfor implementation of the results. Outcome measures that will … used to determine ongoing successful implementation of this EBP project are presented. In addition, the student will identify how the stakeholders will experience improved outcome(s) from the implementation of the results of this EBP project.
  8. Translation of Results: In this section, as an advance practice nurse in your specialty track, you present how you wouldprovide a clear vision regarding the implementation of the results to members of your specialty track. An explanation of how to overcome one barrier to the implementation of your EBP project results is … A comprehensive discussion of the resources needed to implement your results is also … Possible ways to disseminate the results of this EBP project to member of your specialty track is to … presented.
  9. Conclusion: For this section the student is to present the key points of the entire EBP project proposal. Self-reflection upon the learned that occurred from this writing this assignment.

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