NR 360 Unit 2 RUA: Technology Presentation Team Charter 2

NR 360 Unit 2 RUA: Technology Presentation Team Charter

NR 360 Unit 2 RUA: Technology Presentation Team Charter

The purpose of this assignment is to create a Team Charter that will guide the conduct and manage the work for the creation of the NR-360 Technology Presentation.
Due Date: At the end of Week 2. Late Assignment Policy applies to this activity.
Requirements and Preparation
  1. Successful teams begin with guidelines that help to manage their work. For this class, you and your teammates will create a set of rules called a Team Charter.
  2. CHAMBERLAIN CARE Component: Team members will have the opportunity to practice active respect for other team members, consideration of one another, and communication. Be aware that team members come from different backgrounds. And have various schedules and time demands, so working collaboratively is crucial.
  3. Sections of the Team Charter

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