Musculoskeletal Test Prep

Musculoskeletal Test Prep

  1. Joint pain worse in am. Moving around gets better then worse again.
  2. Decrease risk to delay bone loss in post-menopausal.
  3. Flex arm okay forward but cannot abduct arm.
  4. Assess ankle fracture expect.
  5. Tennis elbow assess tenderness at the…
  6. Assess carpal tunnel syndrome with the Phalen’s test.
  7. What is osteoporosis?
  8. Why getting shorter, aged gentleman.
  9. What is the posture change called? (8 month pregnant woman)
  10. Assess motor dysfunction of the hip.

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Neuro Test Prep

  1. Assess tremors and admits to drinking alcohol daily
  2. How to test cranial nerve 11 (spinal accessory)
  3. No vibration noted to ankles and great toe.
  4. During neuro assessment ask to relax all muscles. Expect on ROM
  5. Asymmetrical smile and frown. Uneven lift eyebrows.  Sagging lower eyelids.  Air escapes when push on puffed right cheek.
  6. Short term memory loss. Unable to perform simple task ex. Button shirt.
  7. 3 month old. Assess grip and suck.
  8. Complain of weakness to left arm and leg for one week.
  9. Reports dropping things and falling down. During test of rapid alternating movements unable to pat both her knees.    Misses frequently.
  10. Room is spinning.
  11. History of seizures. ‘Aura’
  12. Pressed for time. Test, sharp point pin several times.  Individual only states pain once as if a single prick.