MSN 6218 Unit 10 DQ2 Course Reflection

MSN 6218 Unit 10 DQ2 Course Reflection

MSN 6218 Unit 10 DQ2 Course Reflection

Take some
time now to reflect on the relevance and impact of this course on your personal
and professional goals.

How have
your views about the nurse leader’s role as a change agent changed, if at all,
over the course of the past 10 weeks?

As a
leader, to what extent do you consider yourself to be a visionary or risk-taker
with respect to driving systemic change aimed at improving outcomes in your

general themes, areas of agreement, or contentious viewpoints have emerged in
discussions with your colleagues?

insights have you gained into the effects of evidence-based practices on
organizational culture that will be of use to you in your professional

questions or uncertainties remain unanswered for you about the present and
future challenges and opportunities facing health care?

Where will
you look for answers and guidance?

What is
your assessment of the relevance, credibility, and usefulness of the resources?

Remember to adhere to the requirements listed in the Faculty Expectations
Message for unit discussion posts and peer responses.


responding to a colleague’s post, consider the following questions:

How does
your perspective on this course align with that of your colleague? What might
account for the similarities or differences?

suggestions might you offer regarding additional resources or support related
to the topics addressed in this course?


activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Reflect on
lessons learned and their impact on professional practice.

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