MSN 6030 Unit 1 DQ1 Preliminary Literature to Support Need and Population

MSN 6030 Unit 1 DQ1 Preliminary Literature to Support Need and Population

MSN 6030 Unit 1 DQ1 Preliminary Literature to Support Need and Population

MSN 6030 Practicum and Capstone

For your
capstone project, you will design a comprehensive intervention plan to solve a
need for a selected population to demonstrate your program outcomes. For this
discussion, take some time to think about potential target populations and
needs you could address, as well as to begin searching the literature for
evidence that could help support your analysis and decision about an
appropriate target population and setting.

discussion will contain two parts. Please address the following in your initial
response (it should be a minimum of 250 words):

Part 1:
Need and Population Brainstorm

As you look
over your previous coursework and work in the field, is there a population that
you focused on?

If not,
what population or culture do you feel has a need?

Could you
create an intervention plan for that population?

Why are you
interested in that population?

What is
their need?

Is this a
need across the population, or just within a specific setting?

your practicum experience and your preceptor.

How will
this site support your goals and objectives?

Part 2:
Preliminary Literature Review

Complete a
preliminary literature review related to the need and population you identified
in Part 1.

three pieces of literature that support your identified need and population,
and provide a brief description and analysis of each.

Be sure to
include proper APA citations.


according to the Faculty Expectations Message guidelines. In your response
address the following:

How could
your peer further refine their identified need?

How could
your peer further refine their target population?

How well do
the cited resources support your peer’s identified need or target population?

Do you have
any additional resources to suggest to your peer?

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