Meta-ethical Theories
Meta-ethical Theories essay assignment
Meta-ethical Theories essay assignment
Ethical egoism and utilitarianism are two ethical theories that define something to be good based on the pleasure it brings. In ethical egoism, an action is good if only the action caters to the self-interest of the person doing it. Therefore, if an action does not bring pleasure, it is not considered to be good. In utilitarianism, an action is considered to be right or wrong based on the outcomes it produces. A good thing will bring overall happiness to a great number of people, while a bad thing will not bring little or no happiness to society. On the other hand, Christian ethical theories focus on God, from whom good things and bad things are determined. In Christian revelation ethics, it is believed that God reveals to the people on what actions are good or bad, mostly through the scriptures. Therefore, Christian ethical theories differ from other ethical theories in various ways.
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First of all, in egoism and utilitarianism theories, the good is defined as that which brings pleasure to an individual or society. Therefore, under these theories, people believe to know the good based on the outcomes the actions will bring. In Christian revelation theory, Christians define ‘good’ as that which God has revealed as good. Therefore, Christians know good and bad from the revelation received from God. For instance, it is good to love one another while it is bad to kill one another because God has revealed that in the scriptures. In egoistic theories, if killing a person brings maximum pleasure, then it is a good thing.
The egoistic and utilitarianism theories differ from the Christina ethical theories in the fact that the former qualifies an action to be good based on the pleasure while the later qualify an action to be good based on what God has authorized. In addition, egoistic theories are based on logic while Christian theories are based on God, through the scriptures. Lastly, egoistic theories are not standard, because an action may not bring pleasure to everybody; making it hard to have a standard way of identifying good actions. However, Christian ethical theories are governed by scriptures which are standard.
From the two classes of theories, Christian ethical theories are stronger than the egoistic theories. This is because the standard nature of Christian ethical theories brings unity and togetherness while the egoistic theories bring disintegration. Egoistic theories are self-centered, and this may give rise to people adopting actions that lead to self-pleasure, causing disunity. Similarly, Christian ethical theories have some values attached to them, like honesty, love, and peace. However, in the egoistic theories, there is an absence of values, hence any action can qualify to be good, based on the pleasure it yields. Lastly, Christian ethical theories focus more on serving others which is not the case in egoistic theories. In this life, living in harmony with others promotes peace and togetherness because we should live together as one. Considering others in our actions may help in promoting peace and togetherness, making the world a worthy place to live in. Egoistic theories do not consider all this, and it creates an assumption that our existence on earth depends on the happiness we create for our own self. On the contrary, we need each other for survival; hence we should consider others in all our actions.
Rachels, James. “Ethical egoism.” Ethical theory: an anthology 14 (2012): 193.
Stivers, Laura A., Christine E. Gudorf, and James B. Martin-Schramm. Christian ethics: A case method approach. Orbis Books, 2012.
� James Rachel, Ethical egoism. Ethical theory: an anthology, 193.
� Laura A. Stivers, Gudorf E. Christine ., and Martin-Schramm B. James. Christian ethics: A case method approach. Orbis Books, 2012.