Media & Globalization Discussion Post

After reading the assigned article, participate in Discussion Board 4. Your response should be at least 300 words, and synthesize, summarize and critically assess the content of the readings. In other words, demonstrate through your writing that you 1) have done the reading and 2) can articulate some original thoughts about it. This original thought can be an analysis of the author’s main points (i.e showing you understood it), a connection to your own life (synthesis), and/or a critique.

While you do not need to worry about format for these responses, I do expect you to be thoughtful and thorough. That means your response should be treated like a mini essay, with an introduction, body and conclusion. It means complete sentences, proof of reading (e.g. touching on the authors main point(s)), indication of original thought and some organization of that thought. As this is not a formal paper, you may insert your opinion and personal statements into the response.

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