Measuring and Managing Fluid Balance Summary

Measuring and Managing Fluid Balance Summary: Select one of the articles listed below. Indicate which article you have chosen and craft a scholarly summary highlighting key points and takeaways. Your summary should be between 150-250 words.

“Fluid Balance and Sodium Losses During Indoor Tennis Match Play,” by Lott and Galloway, from International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism (2011).

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“Hepatic Encephalopathy Complicated With Hyponatremia and Acid-Base Disturbance and Its Prognosis,” by Chengshan et al., from Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA (2012).

“Measuring and Managing Fluid Balance,” by Shepherd, from Nursing Times (2011).

Article chosen to summarize
“Measuring and Managing Fluid Balance,” by Shepherd, from Nursing Times (2011).