McVeigh Criminal Psychology

McVeigh Criminal Psychology essay assignment

McVeigh Criminal Psychology essay assignment

Question Description

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the article “Adverse =Childhood Experiences and Adult Criminality: How Long Must We Live Before We Possess Our Own Lives? (Links to an external site.)”

(Timothy McVeigh my client)

Here, as in earlier assignments, the individual whose case you chose will be your client for the purpose of your Comprehensive Case Study Report Final Paper. That is, you have been hired as a mitigation specialist by this individual’s defense attorney to investigate, analyze, and present the underlying biopsychosocial factors that you found were present in this individual’s background and that may explain why your client committed such heinous criminal acts.

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For this assignment, we will proceed as if your client has not yet been sentenced and thus is still alive, even though in all of these cases, your client was ultimately found guilty and in some cases, may have been executed (or may be deceased).

In your paper,

Analyze a minimum of two particular psychological factors that explains the client’s criminal behavior, such as specific environmental/situational, biological, or mental health issues that may explain this individual’s crimes.
Create an outline that examines a minimum of two particular psychological factors explaining your client’s criminal behaviors.
Each topic or step of the outline should include two to three sentences regarding what will be discussed in that section, focusing on the particular psychological factors that explains the criminal behaviors
Cite specific examples from the sources that support your research and analysis. For example, if you find that your sources show early childhood trauma is a factor in criminal behavior and your client suffered early childhood trauma, or had a high ACES score, write about that connection between your source and your client’s case.

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