MCPHS Clinical Education Log Sheet

MCPHS Clinical Education Log Sheet essay assignment

MCPHS Clinical Education Log Sheet essay assignment

MRI. In the EXAM column, list procedure category and specific protocol. Example: Brain, IAC

List either in or outpatient

In the PARTICIPATION column, list as observe, assist perform. List patient screening, patient setup and/or protocol selection.

So im at a outpatient facility. I do A lot of Prostate, brain, knee, sacrum and lumber. doesn’t have to be in order when you put it down as Exam. you can add more than 1 of the exam I listed. for the student participation most of them are observing which I did for the clinical. For the knee I scan so you can say that as observation. The date you leave it alone cause i can fill it out. In the last column where it says exam/observation. Most of them Are observations but for the Knee you can say Scan. Prostate you can say scan and brain you can say scan

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