Major trends in poverty and inequality across America

Major trends in poverty and inequality across America essay assignment

Major trends in poverty and inequality across America essay assignment

Explain major trends in poverty and inequality across the U.S. over the last half-century, according to the American Enterprise Institute and Brookings Institution report. How would you describe the nature of these two economic conditions in our society, currently? Describe recent patterns and changes in factors related to these two conditions, regarding marriage, unemployment, welfare, and education. How do these shifts relate to economic and social mobility in the U.S.?

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Your writing should begin with an overview of your opinion and summary of data supporting it and rely on evidence from this week’s readings and any other pertinent course materials (e.g. lecture video) from this week, stated in a clear and organized manner. The writing should be approximately the equivalent of one page double-spaced with citations of our relevant sources to provide evidence for your argument.

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