Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide Within the Society
Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide Within the Society essay assignment
Legalization of Physician Assisted Suicide Within the Society essay assignment
Opinion Paper
The Opinion Paper is the only paper you will write this semester that you will be able to write in the first person. Pick a topic that you feel passionate about. For example, Gun Control or some controversial topic that you can take a stand for or against. If you can’t think of a topic, watch the news or read the newspaper, there is usually something that will get you upset or emotional that you can write about, but remember this is not just an informative paper, you are wanting to present an opinion/argument.
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Opinion Paper Format
Paragraph One – Introduction: Give a brief background on your topic and the position you are taking that the reader may need in order to understand this paper. List the three points you will make to support this position. This creates a road map for the reader. The last sentence(s) in this paragraph specifically states your position. Be specific.
Paragraph Two – First Body Paragraph:
Give your first reason that supports your position. This paragraph should be dominated with your opinion with a short sentence or so quoted from a source that supports your opinion.
Paragraph Three – Second Body Paragraph:
Give your second reason that supports your position. This paragraph should be dominated with your opinion with a short sentence or so quoted from a source that supports your opinion.
Paragraph Four – Third Body Paragraph:
Give your third reason that supports your position. This paragraph should be dominated with your opinion with a short sentence or so quoted from a source that supports your opinion.
(add extra body paragraphs for more reasons if needed)
Paragraph Five – Conclusion:
Begin with a short summary of your best points. Then address the counter argument. Every position as a weakness, state why this does not change your position. Make sure you end with a statement that lets the reader know you are done. The reader should not turn the page looking for the rest of this paragraph.
Body of paper is 4-5 pages, with title page and reference page it should be 6-7 pages total.
Reference Page – This page is a separate page and should be formatted as shown in APA Style. List the three sources you quoted in the paper.
You will be uploading the outline in a couple of weeks to Titanium.
Position Paper Outline Example
- Thesis: This is the statement that states your position:
- First reason that supports your position.
- Cite source that backs up your reason.
III. Second reason that supports your position.
- Cite source that backs up your reason.
- Third reason that supports your position.
- Cite source that backs up your reason.
- Conclusion: State a counterargument against your position
- State why you don’t believe this counterargument changes your mind.
First some notes on Opinion Paper. You want to choose a topic that you somewhat feel passionate about because you are taking a stand on an issue, if you are having a hard time choosing a topic read thru the newspaper and see if there is an article that piques your interest.
Also, remember you cannot choose the same topic for each paper and you are writing 3 papers this semester.
As for this week, you are to be searching for articles for your paper. If you pull empirical articles you will notice that they have different components to the article.
First they have an introduction or an abstract (the abstract gives a brief summary about the paper and its findings). The intro tells the reader what the paper is going to be about.
The next section is the Literature Review section this is telling the reader what information has already been found regarding that topic, this is where you want to have as current information as you can get on your topic. In other words, I don’t want you looking for information on your topic that is before the year 2010, I’ll accept later articles but try not to go beyond 2005 when doing your search. Unless there is some really great article and you are having a hard time finding information, or you are giving a theoretical or historical context, your articles should be dated no later than the year 2005. At the end of the literature review you will usually find the thesis statement of the paper (the purpose of the paper).
Next is the Methods section or the sample section, this tells the reader the demographics of the sample that participated in the study, what method was used in obtaining information, such as surveys or observational methods. Basically, it tells us who participated in the study and how they participated.
The next section is the Results or findings section – this gives the reader statistics and this is where you see tables and graphs, it tells us what they found in their data, but it doesn’t explain why they may have received those results.
Next is the Discussion section – this is where the author explains how and why they believe they obtained the results they did. Further, they tie it into the lit review section that either supports their hypothesis or confirms it be null.
Finally you will see a conclusion or it may just be at the end of the discussion section and this portion tells the reader any further recommendation for future research on that topic, and it also states possible limitations that the author experienced for their particular study, such as small sample size, or some other limitation.
Your assignment this week is to post your thesis statement for your opinion paper (what is the purpose of the study) as well as to let me know your topic. And you are to tell me the thesis statement of one of your articles. You will do these assignments and post to an Assignment link. Let me know if you have any questions.