Ischemic Strokes Heart Diseases

Ischemic Strokes Heart Diseases

Description:Student will conduct scientific literature research and write a 4-page paper on a human disease or disorder of choice.The 4 pages do not include the title or the reference page.The disorder must be thoroughly identified and pertain to an organ system being studied in this Human Anatomy and Physiology I only.If your human disease or disorder does not cover one of the organ systems discussed in Human Anatomy I, you will receive -10 points for not following directions.In order to prevent yourself from receiving the penalty, you must utilize your projected learning schedule and your textbook.Review the chapters that will be covered this semester to determine what human disease or disorder that you find interesting in this course.You do not have to contact me to inform me about your topic.

Be mindful that you picking the correct organ system is part of the grade.If you pick an organ system that isn’t discussed in anatomy and physiology II you will receive a 25-point penalty for not following directions.I good tip would be to look at your projected learning schedule to see all the organ systems that are being discussed this semester to avoid the penalty.Again, you are following directions and identifying your knowledge on the concepts that are being discussed this semester.


  1. You must use a total of four sources.You can utilize your textbook, but you must use three other sources for this research paper.Which will give you a total of four sources.If you don’t use four sources for your paper, you will receive a -5 points deduction.Please keep in mind that Wikipedia cannot be used for this research paper.
  2. You must submit your paper in a word document.If you submit your paper in any other text and I can’t open it, you will not receive another opportunity to submit your work.The grade will be a zero for the entire research paper.
  3. You must have a title pag