Introduction to Nursing Research – Characteristics of Nursing Research Utilization and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction to Nursing Research – Characteristics of Nursing Research Utilization and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction to Nursing Research – Characteristics of Nursing Research Utilization and Evidence-Based Practice
The research problem can be developed from many sources. What is a source of nursing research? Identify a potential research study example from that source.

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The current health care practices require evidence in order to justify actions. Knowledge gained from undertaking nursing research is used to provide evidence besides leading to improvement in the quality of care. Nurses need to devise ways of making nursing interventions cost-effective. Evidence Based Practice (EBP), which is the deliberate use of available evidence when making decisions about the care of individual patients, has proved very useful in nursing practice. It combines information about research results, clinical expertise, patient concerns and patient preferences.1
Regulatory authorities and many health care institutions have realized EBP as the best way to the provision of quality, cost-effective, safe and compassionate health care.2
In order to meet the changing needs of both consumers and providers of health care, nurses need to shift from traditional practices to evidence-driven health care services.3 The International Council of Nurses has been in the forefront in supporting use of research findings by nurses to inform evidence-based practice.4
Studies done in United Kingdom, United States of America and other developed countries have found mixed results about nurses’ utilization of research findings in practice. However, great advances have been made in these countries. In Sweden, nurses are required to perform care based on research findings and best experiences.5 Many health care institutions in different countries have adopted evidence-based practice and developed initiatives to advance provision of health care based on best evidence rather than on tradition.2Several studies have been done that utilized the Barriers Scale and investigating nurses’ utilization of research results in nursing practice. Some of the identified determinants include beliefs and attitudes, involvement in research activities, information seeking, professional characteristics, education and other socioeconomic factors.

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Participatory management, an academic degree, education, availability of relevant research, time, positive attitudes and mentorship have also been shown to have a positive relationship with nurses’ likelihood to undertake and use research in practice.6,7,8 Literature shows gaps in knowledge, conduct of nursing research and use of research findings to improve patient care practices. Varied reasons are cited for non-utilization of research findings in practice.1
Some of the reported barriers to research utilization in the studies that have utilized the barriers scale include lack of resources, time, inadequate authority to change practice, results not being generalizable to own setting and unavailability of research findings.9-11
Despite the emphasis and benefits associated with nursing research and EBP, few nurses utilize research findings to inform nursing practice and especially in developing countries. This is especially important in specialized care units owing to the special nature of the care provided which needs to be based on evidence. Use of research in practice remains poor.12 Little is known about the basis of evidence for nursing practice.

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