Interpersonal and Personal Leadership Skills Scholarly Paper

Interpersonal and Personal Leadership Skills Scholarly Paper.

APA 7th edition (2020) format and referencing is required.
 Do not use sources that are not peer-reviewed. Websites such as Wikipedia, for
example, have not been subjected to review by a panel of experts and are not
appropriate for academic papers. Similarly, newspaper clippings and popular literature such as Chatelaine magazine are also not usually peer-reviewed and are therefore not

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The following link is helpful for reference purposes on writing and using APA style
essentials and guidelines.
The paper should be 5-7 pages in total length, including the title page, reference page,
and 3-4 pages maximum of text. The text or body of the paper is to include three
elements: an introductory paragraph that outlines the purpose and scope of the paper,
the main body of the paper which discusses the selected topic, and a conclusion which
summarizes your personal understanding of the topic and what you have learned from
writing about the topic. Clarity and precision of communication is more important than
length in this paper. Remember leaders/managers are busy people; hence, it is
important to communicate briefly and in a concise manner with them if you wish them
to read your communication and have a meaningful impact on them.
Components of a Scholarly Paper
1. INTRODUCTION: The paper should begin with an introduction to the topic that outlines
the purpose and scope of your paper. In outlining the purpose of the paper, you will
discuss why it is important to nursing and leadership/management. In outlining the
scope, you will identify what your paper will include. Plan about 1-2 paragraphs (half a
page) for your introduction.
2. BODY OF PAPER: Identify your own beliefs about and experiences with the issue. If the
topic lends itself to comparing or contrasting the topic(s), do so.
3. CONDUCT A SEARCH about the topic, using readings provided with this course, your
course textbook, and supplemented with journal articles from a library search. As a StFX
student, you have access electronically via the StFX library. You may also be able to
access journals via hospital libraries in your community. Give yourself sufficient time to
gather literature, read it, and reflect upon it. However, please do not use any more than
2 of the 8 required references from your course. You should be exploring and identifying
NEW sources of information.
4. SYNTHESIZE THE INFORMATION you have identified into 3-4 pages maximum of
discussion. Please use headings to organize your work. This aspect involves summarizing
what other scholars have written in a discussion that flows coherently from topic to
topic. This section involves essentially ALL referenced ideas. As such, you must indicate
the author(s) by putting the last name(s) and publication year in brackets ( ). Remember
too that while you may include sources from medicine, psychology, or other disciplines,
as a nursing scholar you want to maintain the voice of nursing. You may find it helpful to
write about an issue by including an articulation about resources and opportunities as
well as problems and challenges. Incorporate highlights from what you have read into
the body of the paper to support your discussion. Provide your own ideas and opinions
as this paper is not merely a review of the literature.
5. CONCLUSION: Describe what you have learned in the process of writing this paper. Try
to draw connections among your nursing issue, the authors’ information, and the future
of nursing leadership/management. Plan about 1-2 paragraphs (half a page) for your
Some helpful hints and formatting points to help with the layout of your Scholarly Paper
 Running Head – e.g. “SHORT TITLE OF PAPER (50 CHARACTERS OR LESS).” In the new 7th
edition of APA Guidelines, a Running Head is NOT required in a “student paper” but it is
still required if you are writing for publication as a professional author. You may include
one for practice as a “future professional author” if you wish but it is not required.
 Numbering pages – The title page is page number 1, see section 2.18 of the APA 7th
edition text.
 Page Break – This very necessary feature is used so that you can start a ‘clean’ page for
the Introduction and Reference portions of your paper. In a Mac program it is under
‘Insert’ at the top of your computer screen.
 Writing Style and Grammar – Consult Chapter 4 of the APA Publication manual (7th ed.)
for specific details on writing.
 Reference list – Follow APA style for references.
 Check your grammar, spelling and referencing prior to submitting. Chapters 4, 8 and 9
(respectively) of the APA Manual (2020) provide a useful review of how to write clearly,
write in-text citations and create reference lists.
Correct Format Used and APA Style Requirements Followed (20 points)
Paper includes:
1. Title page with title of paper, name of student, student id #, professor’s name,
university, course, date due, date submitted.
2. Paper includes introduction, nursing story, the main body of the paper,
conclusion, and references.
3. Length of paper is 5-7 pages total, maximum; appropriate headings in body of
4. 12 font, typed with 1’’ margin on all sides, double spaced, all pages numbered.
Accurate sentence and paragraph structure, proper use of punctuation, correct
spelling and grammar usage; use of bias free language with no slang, jargon or
Content (60 points)

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1. Introduction includes a basic overview of the purpose and scope of the paper,
and how it is organized.
2. Discussion provides a clear example of why the issue is important.
3. Focus of paper is on a nursing leadership/management issue.
4. There is adequate depth of information presented.
5. The paper flows coherently from topic to topic, and connections are clearly
6. Conclusion demonstrates personal understanding of the topic as a leadership
issue, with examples of critical thinking/analysis included.
New Information/Research (20 points)
1. At least 8 references need to be used and referenced within your written
paper– with at least five current (last 5 years, unless writing from a historical
perspective) articles from scholarly journals and reputable internet sources.
2. APA style citation of references in text of paper and in construction of the
reference list.
Academic Honesty
All sources of information used are cited. Papers that are not original, plagiarized,
or falsely cited will receive “0”. See Academic calendar re academic honesty.
NOTE please make sure the paper is APA 7th edition.
Also please read the instructions carefully especially how to choose references.

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