Infidelity and Impacts on Children Sociology of The Family

Infidelity and Impacts on Children Sociology of The Family essay assignment

Infidelity and Impacts on Children Sociology of The Family essay assignment

The final paper is worth 30% of your overall grade for the quarter. The paper should be 10-12 pages in length, including citations and bibliography, in a standard-sized font (11 or 12 point) and double-spaced.

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Follow these steps:

  1. Select any topic in family studies, whether we have discussed it or not (examples are listed). The historical scope is not limited to the contemporary world or the last century. Your discussion may focus on the United States or any other country/comparison you wish.
  2. Select 3-5 print/online-only articles or extended television segments in the news media that discuss this issue – they can be Op-Eds, Longform articles, or traditional length articles in newspapers and magazines. (If you elect to use any television news segments, please do not use more than two. Cite them in the paper with a link, and try to retrieve a transcript or carefully take notes of exact quotations.)
  3. Choose 3-5 peer-reviewed academic articles or books published on university presses discussing the topic. (I will list examples of common journals covering family issues.)
  4. Compare the media “framing” of the issue to the findings and arguments in the scholarly articles. Explain the differences and similarities in treatment of the issue, and the implications of these differences regarding cultural values, economic realities, social structure, and history.

Note: Opinion pieces from personal blogs (always list sources) do not count towards your media sources or academic sources.

Examples of Family Topics (Your Choice is not limited to this list):

Female or Male Breadwinner Families
Working Mothers
Women in Traditionally Male Occupations (STEM, business, law, politics) Single Parenthood (Mothers and Fathers)
Dating, Hookup Culture, and Courtship
Household Division of Labor
Outsourcing Domestic and Care Work
Religion and Family
Sex Scandals
Mass Media and Advertising
Romantic Partner Selection Preferences

Stay-at-Home Fathers
Wage Gap
Gay Conversion Therapy
Later-in-Life Coming Out Experiences
Sexual Fluidity
Reproductive Methods and Technologies – IVF, Surrogacy, Family Planning Divorce and Dissolution
Marital Infidelity (Adultery)
Domestic Abuse and/or Sexual Assault
Civil Unions, Domestic Partnerships, and Same-Sex Marriage
Plural Marriage/Polyamory/Polygamy
Kinship and Extended Family
Native and Aboriginal Families
Transnational Families
Immigration and Family Formation
Transgender Individuals
Child Labor and Economic Contribution of Children
Illness, Death, and Widowhood
Mail-Order Brides
Family and Parental Leave Policies
Military Families

Common News Media Sources in English (Your Choice is not limited to this list):

The New York Times The Washington Post The Los Angeles Times The Wall Street Journal The Chicago Tribune The Boston Globe

The Guardian (UK)
Daily Mail (UK)
The New Yorker Magazine New York Magazine
The Atlantic Monthly
The Huffington Post
The New Republic
The National Review MSNBC News
CNN News
Fox News

Peer-Reviewed Journal Sources (Your Choice is not limited to this list):

Journal of Marriage and the Family Work and Occupations
American Sociological Review

American Journal of Sociology Gender and Society
Social Forces
Social Problems

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society Feminist Studies
City and Community
Family Relations

Journal of Sexuality Research and Social Policy GLQ – Gay and Lesbian Quarterly
Journal of Homosexuality
Journal of Lesbian Studies
Youth and Society
Population and Development Review
Men and Masculinities
Social Politics

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