Inequality is Increasing Over Last Century

Inequality is Increasing Over Last Century essay assignment

Inequality is Increasing Over Last Century essay assignment

Answer this question: Describe the trend in global inequality over the course of the last century.  Based on where we have been and where we are now, predict where the world may be a century from now.  What prediction would modernization theory support?  What about dependency theory?  What do you think will happen?  Why?

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Response 1: The previous century has seen the development in the field of new technologies and inventions; there are different claims as per global equality and inequality in terms of income within the countries and among the countries. It is reported that income inequality is decreasing in developed countries. With the onset of the economic growth, the situation of the common man also changed, previously there were few elite people in the society. The economic growth gave the opportunity to poor people and the world economy became positive -sum game. The growth in one place improves the growth in another place. Internationally, the economic conditions have improved economically that has given rise to urbanization. The world will move ahead from century now because once the progress has started changing the world, with new inventions, the economic growth has increased. The modernization Theory suggests that with little help the less developed countries could be regenerated just like the developed countries but it would mean the poor countries have to pay more to get that technological regeneration. The capitalist version of modernization define that with the development of a nation the economic and social change would lead to democracy, that would be more based on agriculture. Dependency theory suggests that the poor countries would provide the raw material needs of the developed countries but the poor countries would remain poor and the rich countries would become richer through their exploitation. So, in my opinion, rich countries would exploit the poor countries and would exploit them to the core. They would tap all the resources and would leave them dependent. It would also mean that the rich countries would get palpable for the products of the poor countries and would make them dependent even for their food supplies. It would create more inequality than equality among the nations.

Response 2:  Since we were young, we were taught the “golden rule”. The golden rule was to treat others the way you want to be treated, which would eventually end up back to equality. Since the beginning of United States history, we have been fighting for equality, whether it was from Britain or to our own government not appreciating our minority communities. The point is, we have always been fighting for equality, we have been fighting for equality even before the Americas were discovered. Unfortunately, those on top will never give up the power they hold to us in the bottom, this is not just a social issue but a global issue. Inequality is not just affecting the United States but is affecting countries we have not even heard of. The question is, where will the world be a century from now? Well… we can end up in a lot of situations, from making new discoveries on how to save lives and cure illnesses to inventing flying cars, the possibilities are endless. Unfortunately, I believe that there will still be inequality; it has taken the United States years to start validating women and yet the gender wage pay gap is still a situation that we are fighting. Although there are better laws and organizations helping to better our minorities, we are facing inequality as a global issue and not just a national issue. My predictions for a century from now are that women and other minorities will have more laws helping inequality; unfortunately, the elite will not give up the amount of power they have. I have hope that we will stand up and retaliate for what’s right, everyone deserves a chance at happiness and equality, not just the one percent or the elite.

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