HS 111 Global Medical Terminology Discussion
HS 111 Global Medical Terminology Discussion essay assignment
HS 111 Global Medical Terminology Discussion essay assignment
NSTRUCTIONS: Your posts should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the Discussion.. Responses to your classmates or instructor should be around 75 words.
NAME: Tana Smith
DATE OF VISIT: 1/15/2015
SUBJECTIVE: Pt presents in the ER today with complaints of muscle pain, episodes of loss of consciousness, fever, rash of the face and chest, nausea and vomiting for two days, and white discharge. Pt states she’s been having painful menstruation for the last five days and diarrhea started today. In 2014 pt had a uterine tumor removed and also a dilation and curettage preformed. Due to complications, the left fallopian tube and ovary were removed. OBJECTIVE: Vital signs: BP 105/62, T: 100.7, R: 22, P: 96, Weight: 155, Height: 5’6’’. Pt is alert and oriented but confused to time and place. Pt’s grip, flexion, and extension are weak but equal on both sides. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Urine collected is cloudy and amber in color. No pain, excessive urination, or tenderness with voiding. Lab work was also collected: complete blood count, white blood cell count, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, urinalysis, as well as vaginal, throat, and urine cultures. ASSESSMENT: Lab results show elevated white blood cell counts, specific to elevated T cells, reduction of red blood cells, presence of albumin, and vaginal culture was positive for staphylococci. Probable Toxic Shock Syndrome and acute renal failure. PLAN: Pt admitted to Intensive Care Unit with intravenous normal saline, Clindamycin antibiotic, and Dopamine. On day three, pt had no fevers, blood pressure was normal, cultures were negative for Staph, blood urea nitrogen, and liver function test were all normal. Pt was then discharged home. DISCHARGE NOTE: Pt had Toxic Shock Syndrome, which is a bacterial infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus that gets into the bloodstream and produces toxins. This was caused by tampon use; tampon was either in place for too long or fibers the fibers scratched the vagina. To prevent toxic shock syndrome again make sure you change your tampon every four to eight hours, wear a low-absorbency tampon or sanitary napkin during menstruation, and keep cuts and surgical incisions clean.
~Brianna Thisse~
Jones, S. L. (2019). Acquiring medical language. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
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Toxic shock syndrome. (2020, March 18). Retrieved April 24, 2020, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/toxic-shock-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20355384
DOV: 01/15/2015
DOB: 12/10/1988
Patient Name: Tana Smith Record: 88888888
Subjective: Pt is a 28 year old female and arrived with c/o of muscle pain, fainting episodes, fever, rash on her face and chest, Nausea and vomiting twice a day and white vaginal discharge. Pt stated she has had painful periods for 5 days with diarrhea starting today. Pt has a history of internal birth control placement in 2012. In May 2014, pt saw gynecologist for painful menstruation and excessive bleeding. Imaging of uterus and uterine tubes was performed diagnosing the patient with inflamed ovaries and bleeding into fallopian tubes with benign muscular tumors. In June 2014, pt was scheduled for minimally invasive procedure to repair fallopian tube. Visual examination of uterus was performed discovering two tumors located on the upper lower left wall 3 cm and 2.5 cm in diameter. Another tumor 4 cm in diameter was located between the upper portion of the uterus and left fallopian tube. Removal of the smallest tumor was performed without incidence using a surgical procedure to widen the cervix and correct the bleeding> Due to complications another procedure was performed removing the left fallopian tube and ovary.
O: T: 100.7, P: 96, R:22, W: 155, H 5’6″ , BP: 105/62. Skin is warm and clammy with facial redness. No issues present with lungs and heart. Tenderness in lower right groin and abdomen-pelvic area without an enlarged tissue. Alert and responsive x 2. Blood and urine. vaginal and throat samples were obtained. Dark amber in color with no pain or excessive urination. A: Lab results show elevated white blood cells. Urinalysis positive for E. Coli and protein Diagnosis: Toxic Shock Syndrome. P: Antibiotics and medication to treat low blood pressure were given. Pt given pads to use for menstruation. Advised patient to follow-up with gynecologist.
Vanessa Cobbs
HS200: Diseases of the Human Body
INSTRUCTIONS: Your posts should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the discussion. You need to make responses to your classmates or instructor and your responses should be around 75 words.
Venous insufficiency happens when the veins in the legs do not restore blood to the heart and upper body naturally. The veins in the body have valves that avoid blood from flowing in the wrong way. These valves keep blood flowing toward the heart. Venous insufficiency means that the valves in the veins have developed damaged and permitting blood to flow backward. This can trigger fluid to pool in the legs. Which results in swelling of the legs and may produce varicose veins. Venous insufficiency is sometimes caused by deep vein thrombosis and high blood pressure inside leg veins. You are more likely to develop this disease if you are overweight, female, smoker, older and have a family history of varicose veins. Ways to help cut swelling and alleviate pain caused by venous insufficiency is to wear compression stockings. As well as avoid standing still, crossing your legs/knees, or sitting for a long time. This can cause a fluid pool in your legs. Making sure to get more exercise such as walking to help increase blood flow.
Pulmonary embolism is an abrupt blockage of a major blood vessel in the lung, usually by a blood clot. In most cases, the clots are minor and are not deadly, but they can harm the lung. If the clot is large and prevents blood flow to the lung, it can be deadly. Nearly all blood clots that cause pulmonary embolism are developed in the deep leg veins. Clots also can form in the deep veins of the arms or pelvis. In occasional cases, pulmonary embolism may be caused by other substances, such as small masses of infectious material, fat or air bubbles released into the bloodstream after surgery or trauma, or tumors caused by rapidly growing cancer cells. Doctors typically treat pulmonary embolism with medicines called anticoagulants. They are typically called blood thinners, but they do not actually thin the blood. They help stop new clots from forming and keep existing clots from increasing. Most often people take a blood thinner for only a few months, however, people at high risk may take it for the rest of their lives.
~Brooke Markowycz~
Treatments. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-conditions/…
COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, includes chronic lung diseases such as Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis. Although COPD doesn’t have a cure, certain measures can be taken to ease breathing and extend normal life if caught and treated early enough.
Signs and symptoms that could potentially be COPD are increased shortness of breath, wet and/or dry cough, wheezing, and tightness in the chest. When a patient has other diagnoses with COPD it can affect how treatment is administered as well as how the body reacts to treatment (COPD Foundation, 2020).
Anyone presenting these symptoms should see their primary care physician to rule out COPD. A spirometer can measure the strength of the lungs and give an indication of the patient having the disease.
Anyone having the following symptoms should be tested: chronic coughing with or without sputum; long term exposure to pollutants; shortness of breath (COPD Foundation, 2020). The severity of the disease is broken down in 4 categories and are categorized by the results of the spirometry text and symptoms. In addition to a spirometry test, a chest x-ray or CT may be performed. (COPD Foundation, 2020).
Treating COPD may include medications which not only could help you feel better, could also cause you to have decreased flare-ups.
Some of the ways in which the patient might address some of the issues surrounding COPD are, proper nutrition is definitely key, exercise, coping with emotions, discussing with a doctor future care for COPD.
~Catherine Boston~
COPD Foundation. (2020, February 25). What is COPD?: Signs and Symptoms. Retrieved April 24, 2020, from https://www.copdfoundation.org/What-is-COPD/Understanding-COPD/What-is-COPD.aspx
Diagnosing and Treating COPD. (2020, March 20). Retrieved April 24, 2020, from https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/copd/treating