HQS Describe Value Of Creating SOW And Project Charter

HQS Describe Value Of Creating SOW And Project Charter

HQS Describe Value Of Creating SOW And Project Charter


Describe the value of creating a statement of work (SOW) and project charter. What elements of these documents will be valuable in project management? Provide a specific example to support your answer.

The Project Statement of Work (SOW) is a record stating the project needs and outline of condition or standard of planned project products/results. It also gives an overview of what are the inclusions and exclusions of the project. It is issued for customer bidding and project sponsoring (Chung, 2017). While Project Charter is a legal paper permitting the implementation of the project and authorizing the project manager to utilize its budget (Chung, 2017). It contains several vital details like project purpose, its objectives and product qualities, success criteria, requirements, schedule, and budget as well as the project manager’s name, and the requirements for approval and authority (Chung, 2017).

The Scope of Work and the Period of Performance are essential elements of SOW, where full description of the project is shown along with the nature of the work to be done, and the things and needs to be used to accomplished the project (Project-Management.com, 2018) within the stated beginning and ending date. These elements are vital as these elements give guidance on what are the expected outcomes and how it will be achieved and when it will be achieved. Example is a project on prevention and reduction of pressure ulcers in patients within six months (June-December) period through turning and application of foam with border protective skin adhesive on patients with high skin risks hospital wide. The scope of work and period of performance are clearly established and the preventive measures to be used and evaluated as well. Implementers or stakeholders of the project will be aware on what are expected of them to do and what is expected of them to deliver. In connection to the example above, project charter elements such as schedule and budget along with the project objectives are essential as it will guide the project in terms of monitoring its progress, whether outcome can be achieved within the schedule and budget set, and it will determine whether the implementers of the project are focus and not deviating from its objective. It also ensures that materials needed for implementation are always available for use such as the foam with borders and even wedges for turning the patient and will not run out during the entire duration of the project.

HQS Describe Value Of Creating SOW And Project Charter

Chung, E., PMP, PMI-ACP, September 18, I. F. ·, & 2017. (2016, February 8). Statement of Work (SOW) vs Project Scope Statement for PMP Exam. Updated PMP, PMI-ACP & ITIL Exam Tips 2021. https://edward-designer.com/web/project-statement…

Project-Management.com. (2018, October 6). Project Management Statement of Work (SOW). Project-Management.com. https://project-management.com/how-to-write-the

A project charter is the “elevator speech” describing a project proposal one makes to interested parties.  This process informs potential stakeholders of an outline for a program recommendation. Included are goals and the project scope hopefully resulting in the persuasion of interested people. This is not a legal document but provides background concepts in the case of conflicts.


A statement of work (SOW) is very detailed concerning a list of tactics concerning how a project will proceed. Revisions or new directions may be instituted for eventual strategic project completion. Although an SOW is not a legal contract, it is a part of an agreement that is signed by interested parties. References list the following items for an SOW. These may vary considering what goals are set.

  1. Objectives
  2. Scope.  Y/N
  3. Duration
  4. Site/locations
  5. Budget; financial and others
  6. Milestones: numbered and specific
  7. Deliverables: data; reports; designs; diagrams; visuals
  8. Schedule timeline for tasks
  9. Major tasks and subtasks


An example of a project needing an SOW, as part of a series of legal documents, is the buy/sell of a business.  As the owner of a business initiates the sale, elements of a legal agreement are met. Marketing often starts with a project charter reviewed by possible buyers. If attractive, much detail is needed by a buyer for the offer to buy. Then the seller consultant/broker uses elements of an SOW to structure the process.


From 1993 until 1998, I brokered numerous dental practices to the closing of a sale. Several I owned. The elements of a practice sale depend upon due diligence on all parties, particularly the buyer or seller. However, a broker is a stakeholder that must work ethically and legally for the benefit of both parties. The buyer and seller are on opposite sides of the table and data provided with an SOW are reviewed by legal, accounting, and lender financial counsel. Impasse occurs when either party and their counsel resist the valuation and details described in an SOW. Negotiation and persuasion are instituted. The concept of fairness in a business deal takes precedent over a one-sided sale.


Are statements of work right for your business? (2017). Business Journal Serving Fresno & the Central San Joaquin Valley325268, 30.

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BROWN, J. (2019). Project Charters/Plans in the Compliance World–What a Great Thing. Journal of Health Care Compliance21(5), 51–52.


Feder, H. (2008). CMS Issues Fact Sheet on 9th Statement of Work. Journal of Health Care Compliance10(6), 37–40.


Miller, J. E. (2007). Fifty Tips for Your Statement of Work. Contract Management47(8), 58–61.

A statement of work refers to the document that is usually used in the project management. The document contains the narrative description of all the requirements in the project. Besides, it defines the specific deliverables, activities that ought to be conducted, as well as the timelines required for the completing of different aspects of the project. In healthcare system, the statement of work include the detailed requirements and prices of the healthcare services, as well as the governance terms and standard regulatory conditions. The statement of work is usually accompanied by request for proposal and the master service agreement.

While creating a statement of work, there is the need to consider the purpose, location of work, deliverable schedules, acceptance criteria, special requirements, period of performance, types of contracts or payment schedules, and the scope of work (Watson & Lead, 2020). These elements of statement of work aid in the development of a comprehensive document that can be used to successfully run a project in healthcare systems. There are different styles and formats that can be applied in the development of statement or work. Also, there are various templates that may be applied in outlining the requirements of the statement of work. While writing the statement of work, there is always the need for the healthcare professional to consider the request for proposal. Different companies often create their own customized version of statement of work.

A project charter is defined as a formal and short document that describes all the aspects of the project (Starns, 2019). Some of the factors involved in the project charter include the aims of the project, how it will be conducted, as well as the stakeholders that will be involved in the whole process. Project charter is an important document in the planning process, as it is applied in the entire project’s lifecycle.


Starns, V. A. (2019). Exploring the Strategies Project Managers Need to Establish a Project Charter for Initiating a Project (Doctoral dissertation, Colorado Technical University). https://www.proquest.com/openview/f9ee6318179d47af498de526a2160b56/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y

Watson, J., & Lead, K. W. P. (2020). Olympia, WA 98504-3200 Dear Julie, The Washington State Academy of Sciences (WSAS), in order to fulfill the Statement of Work for the Underwater Acoustics and Orca Project with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW Contract 19-14506), organized a convening to engage stakeholders and provide. https://wdfw.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2020-08/wsas_underwateracousticsscience_wrkshp_20200512.pdf

A project statement of work (SOW) is a more detailed information on the deliverables of the project, tasks not outlined in the SOW will be delivered when the project is completed (Project-Management.com, 2021a). Items in the SOW are part of the contract agreement with the vendor and any changes must be submitted with a change request for and can delay projects. An example of this would be when adding a change in the location of the work to be done, such as adding a site for implementation of the new electronic medical record. This would require more materials, increased man hours and additional training for the added location.  This would require a formal change form to extend the contract agreement. A SOW is used in contracts with outside vendors and with large and complex internal projects, SOWs are not needed for small internal projects (Project-Management.com, 2021a).

A project charter is a short document that that provides detail for high level management, providing an outline for the team to be able to quickly see goals, tasks, timelines, and stakeholders (Project-Management.com, 2021b). This high-level document is required for all projects and contains the official start date for the project. The main components of the charter are Problem statement, Business case, Goal statement, Timeline, Scope and Team members (Project-Management.com, 2021b). The charter is important because if provides the project manager the authority to start and run the project, no work can start until the charter is approved by the stakeholders. This ensures that all stakeholders are aware of the project and expectations for the project.




Project-Management.com. (2021, April 16). Project management statement of work (sow). Project. Retrieved September 25, 2021, from https://project-management.com/how-to-write-the-project-statement-of-work-sow.


Project-Management.com. (2021, August 27). What is a Project CHARTER?: Complete guide & Template 2021. Project Management. Retrieved September 25, 2021, from https://project-management.com/what-is-a-project-charter



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