HP 609 Week 3 Assignment 1: Health Policy Event

HP 609 Week 3 Assignment 1: Health Policy Event

HP 609 Week 3 Assignment 1: Health Policy Event

Description of the meeting

This forum discussed the racism the Asian American population experiences, which was openly evidenced in April 2021. These experiences include obscene memes, physical attacks, occurring twice more in women than men, and people spitting on them. This has led to stress, depression, and anxiety amongst this population, and also exacerbated episodes of chronic diseases in medically unstable people. There has also been a drop in the Asian student enrollment for colleges and universities. The participants pointed out that this hate did not start today, however, it has been going on since Asian immigrants were denied American citizenship due to the color of their skin (Watanabe, Racism against Asian Americans, 2021). It was emphasized that the medical community and public health departments should renounce Asian American hate. Additionally, Clinicians should not be biased in their service of the population and instead of assumptions, people should look for the right data. It is predicted that if discriminated populations come together and community leaders and groups work as a team, mental health and hate trauma will be combated.

Asian Americans have inhabited the United States for centuries. This population consists of Chinese, Japanese, Koreans among many others. The Asian American population grew from 10.5 million to 18.9 million from 2000 to 2019 (Budiman and Ruiz, 2021). This population is one of the fastest growing populations. As Asians moved to the Americans, most of them carried chronic diseases with them such as cancer, Diabetes, hypertension, and mental illnesses. A study conducted on the mental health needs and services obtained for Asian Americans revealed that of the 44 percent participants that needed mental health services, 23 percent received the required services, but 7 percent never did; even those that received services, their needs were not satisfied (Jang et al., 2019). Looking at the racism that manifested in April 2021, ongoing pandemic has only worsened this situation. During the forum discussion, one of the speakers points out that racism in this population worsened after President Trump referred to the Covid-19 virus as the “Chinese virus” (Koh, 2021). On a separate occasion, this president used other names racial terms such as “kung flu “and “China plague” (Kandil and Yam, 2020).

Some of the health disparities that Asian Americans face include cardiovascular diseases, different types of cancers, and lung cancer from smoking which are the leading cause of death in this population (Elflein, 2019). It is reported that 11.7 percent of Asian men and

HP 609 Week 3 Assignment 1 Health Policy Event
HP 609 Week 3 Assignment 1 Health Policy Event

4.5 percent of women (cdc.org). Asian Americans are still one of the healthiest group of people, nevertheless, this populations hold a high rate of uninsured people.  Some of the reasons as to why this population does not seek medical treatment is communication, cultural beliefs, health literacy, and financial strains. Due to language barriers Asian Americans fear that their explanations will not be understood by the health providers, hence avoiding medical visits (Kim and Keefe, 2010). This population believes relies heavily on their cultural values in regard to healing. Culturally, they believe in home remedies such as hot and cold remedies for balance, use of herbs, massages, and acupuncture. They are not accustomed to western medication or treatment. This could be the reason they seek medical treatment as a last resort, but at that point their illnesses are in the last stages and usually untreatable.

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How should public health and medical communities respond to the racial and health disparities that Asian Americans face? One of the ways of combatting this racism is renouncing Asian American racism (Koh, 2021). This would take community and political leaders coming together and decrying all the racism taking place. The Biden administration just passed a hate crime legislation in hopes of fighting these hate actions against the Asian American community. In addition, forming allyships with other minority groups will aid in fighting this invisibility notion (Dr. Choi, 2021).

Fighting racism and ethnic disparities will require everyone: every race getting involved in this fight for equally. This will not only be a fight for racial equality, but also equal access to healthcare, housing opportunities, education, and jobs. In this century we should be seeing more unity and togetherness, not hate.


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Budiman , A., & Ruiz, N. G. (2021). Asian Americans are the fastest-growing racial or ethnic group in the U.S. Pew Research Center.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, May 7). FastStats – Health of Asian or Pacific Islander Population. . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/asian-health.htm.

Elflein, J. (2019, July 30). Top causes of death Asians and Pacific Islanders U.S. 2017. Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/233363/leading-causes-of-death-among-asians-and-pacific-islanders/.

Jang, Y., Yoon, H., Park, N. S., Rhee, M.-K., & Chiriboga, D. A. (2018). Mental Health Service Use and Perceived Unmet Needs for Mental Health Care in Asian Americans. Community Mental Health Journal55(2), 241–248. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10597-018-0348-3

Kandil, C. Y., & Yam, K. (2020, August 5). Asian Americans face dual challenges: Surging unemployment and racism. NBCNews.com. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/asian-americans-face-dual-challenges-surging-unemployment-racism-n1235356.

Kim, W., & Keefe, R. H. (2010). Barriers to Healthcare Among Asian Americans. Social Work in Public Health25(3-4), 286–295. https://doi.org/10.1080/19371910903240704

Racism Against Asian Americans. The Forum at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. (2021, May 3). https://theforum.sph.harvard.edu/events/racism-against-asian-americans/.


Week 3 Assignment 1: Health Policy Event

Value: 100 points

Due: Day 7


The Health Policy Event you choose to attend must be related to the current week’s topics.

Please submit your Health Policy Event Log for Week 3 in one Word document to this assignment. Access the Guidelines for the Health Policy Event Assignment (Word) for full instructions.

Links to Health Policy Events for this Week

If you find another event you are interested in attending related to the current week’s topics but are unsure if it would be eligible, email your instructor and ask.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

To Submit Your Assignment:

  1. Select the Add Submissions button.
  2. Drag or upload your file to the File Picker.
  3. Select Save Changes.

Submission status

Health Policy Event Log Rubric

Health Policy Event Log Rubric – 100 Points
Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Inadequate Total Points
Uses these headings:

  1. Name of event, sponsor of event, and link to event.
  2. Place of event, date of event, length of event.
  3. Names of participants and their titles.
  4. Brief summary of the topic discussed. (200–400 words)
  5. Summarizes, my analysis of the issue and its implications for health care.
Log addresses items 1–4.

Posted on time.

15 points

Log addresses 3 of the 4 items.

Not posted on time.

10 points

Log addresses 2 of the 4 items.

Not posted on time.

5 points

Log addresses one of the 4 items.

Not posted on time.

0 points

Uses this heading: My analysis of the issue and its implications for health care (500-750 words). There is robust analysis and evidence of integration of course content, utilizing course topics.

Analysis section is between 500 and 750 words.

35 points

There is robust analysis with partial evidence of integration of course content utilizing course topics.

Analysis section is between 500 and 750 words.

30 points

There is minimal analysis, repeats what participants say, and there is partial evidence of integration of course content utilizing course topics.

Analysis section is fewer than 500 words.

25 points

There is superficial analysis, repeats what participants say, and there is no evidence of integration of course content utilizing course topics.

Analysis section is fewer than 400 words.

20 points

Integrates course content and readings into analysis Course content and readings are integrated into analysis.

Two current (within last six months) references are introduced.

25 points

Course content and readings are partially integrated into analysis.

One current (within last six months) reference is introduced.

20 points

Course content and readings are minimally integrated into analysis.

One reference (not current) is introduced.

15 points

There is superficial integration of course content and readings into analysis.

No references are introduced.

10 points

Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Few to no writing mechanics or APA errors.

25 points

Few to several writing mechanics or APA errors.

20 points

Several to many writing mechanics or APA errors.

15 points

Many writing mechanics or APA errors.

10 points

Total points 100