Hospitals Financial Analysis
Hospitals Financial Analysis essay assignment
Hospitals Financial Analysis essay assignment
Financial Analysis of Two Competing California Hospitals
This Signature Assignment is worth 50 points and is due the last day of class, Saturday May 28, midnight PST (no exceptions or late work accepted). If you have not completed Steps 1-3 during the previous week’s assignments, do them now in preparation for writing your paper. Your well-written paper should include the following elements:
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- Briefly provide a general overview of each hospital (ownership, community served, brief history, general goals/objectives, etc) (2 paragraphs max)(6 pts)
- Compare and contrast key operating and financial indicators for each hospital and compare with industry benchmarks. This can be done in table format. (8 pts)
- Analysis Part 1: Explain and summarize what these indicators mean in terms of overall performance for each hospital. Imagine you’re preparing a written financial report to the board of directors. Help them understand what you’re presenting. (10 pts)
- Analysis Part 2: Summarize your overall findings from your analysis. Which hospital is performing better on which indicators and why? Are these two hospitals direct or indirect competitors? How do they each best serve their community? How well are they achieving their respective mission? (10 pts)