Hospitals and Insurance Companies

Hospitals and Insurance Companies essay assignment

Hospitals and Insurance Companies essay assignment

For this project, you will be providing information from the county you live in. It is important to know the local hospitals and healthcare environment when you graduate and apply for jobs.

Please list each question by number, followed by your answer to each after researching:

I. Insurance Companies:

  1. Identify (5) commercial health insurance (carriers) companies (by name) that have provider networks in your county that offer either or both HMO and PPO plans and which one each offers.
  2. Identify which commercial health insurance companies (by name) that have provider networks in your county that offer Medicare Part C Advantage plans.

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*Note: Some insurance companies might be listed in both answers to 1 and 2

II. Providers (Hospitals):

  1. Now identify (5) hospitals (by name and city) in your county that participate in each of the provider networks identified above in both a. and b. (list hospital and insurance company names).
  2. Classify each of the (5) hospitals identified as either for-profit, not-for-profit, or government owned.
  3. What percentage (%) of patient admissions are classified as: a) Medicare, b) Medicaid/Charity, c) Commercial (private insurer) for each of the (5) hospital identified above?

*Hint: The Agency for Healthcare Administration (AHCA) and offer numerous statistical reports.


References: Cite all sources in the form of an APA formatted reference list at the end of your project.

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