HLTH 4520 WU Chosen Healthcare Perspective Template

HLTH 4520 WU Chosen Healthcare Perspective Template essay assignment

HLTH 4520 WU Chosen Healthcare Perspective Template essay assignment

As more payors look at the cost of reimbursement for care and patients take on more of the cost of healthcare, it has become increasingly more important for all parties to know what the cost is for procedures, care, and equipment. Government agencies are becoming more involved in regulating care and cost, and one way that is being accomplished is by demanding cost transparency.

While the transparency requirements for private non-profit, private for-profit, and state- or government-run hospitals may differ, all hospitals are being encouraged, in one way or another, to share information publicly regarding costs and care.

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Much of this public information can be found online. While most may not share all of their financial reports with the public, many healthcare professionals may need to look at any number of documents to cut costs, limit wasted resources, or improve efficiency and quality. Each type of financial report provides specific types of information, and knowing which one to use to achieve a goal is an important step.

 Analysis of Financial Statements (Template)

  • Complete the Assignment Template that provides a detailed explanation of each of the following four documents commonly found in financial reports from your selected perspective. Consider the ways that these documents would be used in your chosen setting and what they would be used for:
  • Balance sheet

Income statement

Cash-flow statement

Ratio analysis