Ethics and morals encompass principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong. When we as a community—on a city and state level as well—do not address the health needs and issues of the underserved populations the rest of the community is affected too, albeit indirectly. We have arrived overtime to this place where we view the underserved in a light of being “less than” the majority because they do not fit into our nice little mold of what we believe to be “the norm”. This is largely due to themes or biases we have constructed about the underserved populations. DeMarco (2016) astutely points out that we blame the victim and accuse them of “making poor choices” or “having the wrong priorities” (p. 375). We see them as being powerless, vulnerable, and not caring about injury, infection, or even preventive care (DeMarco, 2016). History: Week 6 Intimate Partner Violence/Substance Abuse Project
LGBT health is addressed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2017) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) (2017); however, if this information is not made available to LGBT community through venues and arenas they would attend and frequent this population would have no way of knowing about the resources. Members of the LGBT community experience some distinct health concerns—similar to other communities—however, some of the health issues can affect LGBT individuals differently (CDPH, 2017). Therefore, I believe it would be prudent to assemble pamphlets with information about the resources available which can assist this community in determining what screenings are necessary at each stage of life so that they understand which health issues impact the LGBT most often (CDC, 2017). In addition, these resources will provide them with the tools they will need to be the healthiest at every phase of their life and empower them to make health a priority.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2017). LGBT youth resources. Retrieved from
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) (2017). LGBT health. Retrieved from
DeMarco, R. F. (2016). Underserved populations. In Harkness, G. A. & DeMarco, R. F. (Eds.), Community and Public Health Nursing: Evidence for Practice. (pp. 357-377). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.