HIMS650 Wk 5 Inferential Versus Descriptive Statistics Replies

HIMS650 Wk 5 Inferential Versus Descriptive Statistics Replies essay assignment

HIMS650 Wk 5 Inferential Versus Descriptive Statistics Replies essay assignment

Peer # 1

Descriptive statistics summarizes data where inferential statistics evaluates whether the data is generalized to a broader population. In inferential data you can use presented data to draw a conclusion. “Inferential statistics are an extension of the natural human tendency toward inference and are powerful tools that can help answer questions such as how much, how many, or how often” (Pfleger & Kimmons, 1970)

Common inferential statistical methods are:

  • Hypothesis tests- Hypothesis testing is where an analyst tests an assumption regarding a population variable (Majaski, 2021).
  • Confidence intervals- probability that a population variable will fall betwix a set of values for a certain time (Hayes, 2021).
  • Regression analysis- mathematically sifts through which variables have an impact (Gallo, 2015).

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Interferential statistical methods are a significant components of data analytics based on its ability to make predictions and generalizations regarding many individuals without getting the information directly from each person one by one but by a sample of data (Descriptive Statistics vs Inferential Statistics, 2019). A great example of using statistical data are reviews that are used to give rations on services. Not every single person that visits a resort completes a review but based on reviews they receive their star ratings. Another great example is the numbers used to make decision regarding preference in a set area; ‘people who live in the city prefer to take the train verses driving to work’. Inferential statistics are known to be getting closer to many circles, being used often by survey institutions in releasing their results which greatly affect the decisions made for the population (Inferential Statistic, 2019).


Descriptive Statistics vs Inferential Statistics. (2019, January 04). Retrieved from

Gallo, A. (2015). A Refresher on Regression Analysis. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2015/11/a-refresher-on-regression-…

Hayes, A. (2021, September 13). Confidence Interval Definition. Retrieved from https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/confidenceint…

Peer #2

Statistics is segmented into two broad categories named  descriptive and inferential.  Descriptive statistics describe the distribution of variable interest whereas Inferential statistics are used to test hypotheses or make decisions.  (Oachs 2020)

Statistical methods involve the carrying out of planning, designing, collecting of data, analyzing of the data and drawing a meaningful interpretation and reporting of the findings.  Statistics provide meaning to numbers giving meaningless number, a breath of life for lifeless data.    Statistics being a branch of science that deals with the collection, organization, analysis of data and drawing inference from the samples for a whole population.  It requires proper design of the study, appropriate selection of the study samples as well as a choice of a suitable statistics test. (Ali & Bhaskar, 2016)

In burn research the uses a variety of descriptive and inferential methods to present and analyze data.  Descriptive methods in burn research include mean, median, standard deviation, and range whereas inferential methods can be used from articles or Journals referencing burns. (Al-Benna et.al 2010)


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