Health Promotion Program Design Assignment

Health Promotion Program Design Assignment

Health Promotion Program Design Assignment
In this assignment, you will expand on ideas for diabetes management by writing a comprehensive, holistic plan of health promotion and disease prevention that addresses the needs of individuals in the Latino population. First, identify the best health care promotion theory (Pender’s health promotion model) and best practices to use with your chosen population. Next, explain your health promotion plan and describe how it will be implemented, evaluated, and monitored.
Include the following components in your assignment:
1. Justify, based on researched evidence, the best health care promotion theory, practices and approaches to health care promotion, addressing the identified health care concerns in your chosen population.
2. Discern how the holistic health promotion plan will promote quality patient outcomes and cost-effective health care.
3. Describe the strategy for implementing the health promotion plan.
4. Explain how you will monitor and evaluate the plan for quality improvement.
5. Explain how the plan would affect and be adapted in at least two different health care delivery settings, such as acute care settings, ambulatory care settings, managed and integrated care settings, or other settings.

Health promotion is not a new concept. The fact that health is determined by factors not only within the health sector but also by factors outside was recognized long back. During the 19th century, when the germ theory of disease had not yet been established, the specific cause of most diseases was considered to be ‘miasma’ but there was an acceptance that as poverty, destitution, poor living conditions, lack of education, etc., contributed to disease and death. William Alison’s reports (1827-28) on epidemic typhus and relapsing fever, Louis Rene Villerme’s report (1840) on Survey of the physical and moral conditions of the workers employed in the cotton, wool and silk factories John Snow’s classic studies of cholera (1854), etc., stand testimony to this increasing realization on the web of disease causation.
The term ‘Health Promotion’ was coined in 1945 by Henry E. Sigerist, the great medical historian, who defined the four major tasks of medicine as promotion of health, prevention of illness, restoration of the sick and rehabilitation. His statement that health was

promoted by providing a decent standard of living, good labor conditions, education, physical culture, means of rest and recreation and required the co-ordinated efforts of statesmen, labor, industry, educators and physicians. It found reflections 40 years later in the Ottawa Charter for health promotion. Sigerist’s observation that “the promotion of health obviously tends to prevent illness, yet effective prevention calls for special protective measures” highlighted the consideration given to the general causes in disease causation along with specific causes as also the role of health promotion in addressing these general causes. Around the same time, the twin causality of diseases was also acknowledged by J.A.Ryle, the first Professor of Social Medicine in Great Britain, who also drew attention to its applicability to non communicable diseases.(7)

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Health education and health promotion are two terms which are sometimes used interchangeably. Health education is about providing health information and knowledge to individuals and communities and providing skills to enable individuals to adopt healthy behaviors voluntarily. It is a combination of learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes, whereas health promotion takes a more comprehensive approach to promoting health by involving various players and focusing on multisectoral approaches. Health promotion has a much broader perspective and it is tuned to respond to developments which have a direct or indirect bearing on health such as inequities, changes in the patterns of consumption, environments, cultural beliefs, etc.(3)
The ‘New Perspective on the Health of Canadians’ Report known as the Lalonde report, published by the Government of Canada in 1974, challenged the conventional ‘biomedical concept’ of health, paving way for an international debate on the role of nonmedical determinants of health, including individual risk behavior. The report argued that cancers, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory illnesses and road traffic accidents were not preventable by the medical model and sought to replace the biomedical concept with ‘Health Field concept’ which consisted of four “health fields”-lifestyle, environment, health care organization, human biology as the determinants of health and disease. The Health Field concept spelt out five strategies for health promotion, regulatory mechanisms, research, efficient health care and goal setting and 23 possible courses of action. Lalonde report was criticized by skeptics as a ploy to stem in the governments rising health care costs by adopting health promotion policies and shifting responsibility of health to local governments and individuals. However, the report was lapped up internationally by countries such as USA, UK, Sweden, etc., who published similar reports. The landmark concept also set the tone for public health discourse and practice in the decades to come.(7–10) Health promotion received a major impetus in 1978, when the Alma Ata declaration acknowledged that the promotion and protection of the health of the people was essential to sustained economic and social development and contributed to a better quality of life and to world peace.(5)

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