Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis

Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis essay assignment

Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis essay assignment

Select 6 quality standards or measures used in the health care industry.

Complete the following sections of the Quality Standards Table using the provided spaces:

  • Quality-Reporting Standard column: Identify the quality reporting standard or measure. What is being reported on? This may be a specific measure, indicator, or quality-measurement program.
  • Source column: Identify the source of the standard. Which health care organization developed the standard or measurement indicators?
  • Description of the Standard column: Describe the standard. What is the purpose and what does it measure? Does the standard apply primarily to a specific stakeholder, such as the patient, a provider, payors, the health care facility (i.e., a hospital), or something else?
  • Description of How the Standard Drives Quality Improvement in Health Care column: Explain how the standard demonstrates quality in health care. What does it mean for stakeholders when this standard is met or not met?

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Review the following completed Quality Standards Table Example:

Quality Standards Table Example

Quality-Reporting Standard Source Description of the Standard Description of How the Standard Drives Quality Improvement in Health Care
Example: 30-day unplanned readmissions for cancer patients


The Alliance of Dedicated Cancer Centers (ADCC), endorsed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) It measures the rate at which adult cancer patients have unplanned readmissions within 30 days of discharge from an eligible index admission as compared to all inpatient admissions with a primary or secondary malignant cancer diagnosis. By analyzing patient readmission within 30 days of discharge, acute care hospitals can better identify causes of readmission and make improvement to reduce costs and improve outcomes specific to cancer patients, as opposed to other measures that are hospital-wide readmissions. It only compares unplanned readmissions because cancer patients often have planned hospital stays as part of their treatment plans.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references and your textbook to support your information.

Include references in the provided “References” section located at the end of this document.

Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


Quality Standards Table

Quality Standard Number Quality-Reporting Standard Source Description of the Standard How the Standard Drives Quality Improvement in Health Care




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