Health Care and Global Health Policies Case Study
Health Care and Global Health Policies Case Study essay assignment
Health Care and Global Health Policies Case Study essay assignment
Part A
Field Experience Case Study Paper 20-25 pages and 5-10 references
In this assignment, you will develop a paper by synthesizing and analyzing the individual papers.
Required components of the group paper include the following:
I. Country (identified site) case study:
Political or governance structure with analysis of current policies impacting health.
Socioeconomic status, including the Gini index.
Demographic profile.
Major health issues analysis, including the burden of disease.
An analysis of the Social Determinants of Health, including ethical considerations.
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II. Field experience preparation:
Identification of field experience project: provide supporting rationale. Include justification of need, role of group members, and the sponsoring agency.
Cultural competency: Identify primary cultural mores and cross-cultural communication issues. Include specific recommended approaches for demonstrating cultural competency during field experience.
Sustainability: Identify specific strategies to promote sustainability of field experience project including 1) the identification of potential local partners, and 2) potential global health policy impacts in the next 5–10 years.
Maintain social accountability: Specify a system that will be used for tracking and sustaining commitments to the community and customers.
Specify evaluation criteria to measure effectiveness of the completed field experience.
Finally, discuss what strategies you might use for assembling coalitions and build support for the specific policy or change positions.
Complete the 360 Feedback Form in the Resources and email directly to your instructor.
Writing Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.