HCS 305 Week 2 Assignment

HCS 305 Week 2 Assignment Recent


HCS 305 Week 2 Week Two Assignment
Option 1:

Complete the Health Administration Program Scavenger Hunt.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.


Option 2:
Complete the Health Administration Program Outlook Worksheet.

Health Administration Program Outlook Worksheet


Part 1

Complete the following table.

Identify the BSHA core courses

Where did you get the information from?




Part 2

Review the BSHA courses listed above.

Answer the following in 350 to 700 words: Considering your health care experience, which classes in the program do you believe will be most beneficial to your current or future role? Which will be the least beneficial? Why?
Part 3

Review the MHA and graduate certificate options on phoenix.edu.

Answer the following in 200 to 350 words: If you were to continue your education after completing the BSHA program, which option would you most likely choose? Why?