HCA 545 Topic 1 Discussion Questions 1 and 2

HCA 545 Module 1 DQ 1

HCA 545 Topic 1 Discussion Questions 1 and 2

Using the example of a governance team following a major change process, discuss a situation in which you were involved. Include the problem, the team members involved, identification of stakeholders, processes followed, etc. How effective was the team approach? What major challenges did the team face and how were they resolved? What could your team have done to be more effective?

HCA 545 Module 1 DQ 2

The text discusses the characteristics of complex adaptive systems and managing those systems. How do such systems differ from traditional management systems? How are they the same?

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Re: Module 1 DQ 2

The text discusses the characteristics of complex adaptive systems and managing those systems. How do such systems differ from traditional management systems? How are they the same?

The traditional system and Complex Adaptive Systems, which are under complexity science, differ in a variety of ways.

  1. Roles: The traditional system emphasizes management and chain of commands while complex adaptive systems focus on leadership and collaboration.
  2. Method of mobilizing people: In the older system, the control is done by the highest in the hierarchy. Information goes down a unidirectional channel through commands. The newer system however utilizes positive and negative reinforcements, recognizing achievements and focusing on the behavior rather than the person when rectification is needed.
  3. Measuring improvements: In the traditional way of organizing healthcare systems, one way of measuring improvements is through realization of activities that were deemed necessary to develop a system. Ticking all activities in a checklist means success. On the other hand, Complex Adaptive Systems allow diverse ways on achieving success, measuring outcomes instead of activities.
  4. Focus of Success: In the traditional system, focus of achieving improvements is through efficiency of each component. Complexity science looks at agility, the trends and changes within the organization.
  5. Working Relationships: With the newer system, personal commitments describe work relationships as compared to contractual work with the older system. This coincides with the method of improvement that looks at accomplished activities regardless of the people behind the success in the traditional system. In contrast, Complex Adaptive Systems create work commitments from people who become experts in the process. This becomes part of process improvement.

Organizational Network and Design: While the older system deals with hierarchy that is adamant about its organizational design, a complex adaptive system is heterarchical that allows dynamic self-organization.

They are the same because the intelligence resides in the whole system. This means that, while different individuals may hold specific knowledge or differing interpretations of a common reality, no one person is capable of processing all the information within the system. Self-organizing systems produce intelligence only when they have the capacity to process the diversity of knowledge that resides within the entire system. Thus, organizations are most intelligent when they have a rich diversity of perspectives and the means to aggregate their collective intelligence.

References: HCA 545 Topic 1 Discussion Questions 1 and 2

Boynton.B (2016) Complex Adaptive Systems in Healthcare: A Leader’s Perspective – Part 1.Retrieved from https://www.manageupprm.com/blog/2016/4/11/complex-adaptive-systems-in-healthcare-a-leaders-perspective-part-1

Collins. R (2017) The Management Wisdom of Complex Adaptive Systems. Retrieved from http://optimityadvisors.com/insights/blog/management-wisdom-complex-adaptive-systems HCA 545 Topic 1 Discussion Questions 1 and 2