HCA 430 Week 3 DQ 2 Barriers to Care

HCA 430 Week 3 DQ 2 Barriers to Care Assignment

Suicide and homicide are violent actions reported in the news daily. Individuals suffering from abuse, depression, mental disorders, or substance-abuse disorders are at an increased risk for committing suicide or homicide. Factors that contribute to the risk are age, gender, socio-economic status, and race/ethnicity. Additionally, situations that cause extreme life or job stress, such as those seen when a loved one dies or by military personnel, can contribute to the risk. Chapter 6 of your course text highlights barriers to care relating to the vulnerable and this population group in particular.

For this Barriers to Care discussion:
• Locate and share statistical data for your community on annual suicide and homicide rates.
• Identify and briefly describe one organizational barrier and one financial barrier relating to the suicide- and homicide-prone.
• Create two recommendations on ways each of these barriers can be reduced or eliminated.
• Identify two local resources available for suicide- or homicide-prone individuals.

Discuss which services are offered and whether the services fully meet the needs of the population.

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