HCA 205 Week 3 Assignment Final Presentation Part I Recent

HCA 205 Week 3 Assignment Final Presentation Part I Recent

Look ahead at the Final Presentation directions in Week Five. The assignment this week is Part I of that presentation. For this assignment, Part 1, you will provide an overview of the U.S. healthcare system. Follow the instructions below to complete this part of your Final Presentation:

Introduction: Include a title slide. Next, include an introductory slide where you will identify yourself and describe the nature of this presentation.

Part I (of the Final Presentation): The U.S. healthcare system. Define the U.S. healthcare system by addressing the following:

Describe the history of the U.S. health care system. Include at least three of the revolutionary factors (e.g., the teacher’s union in Dallas, Texas; The American Medical Association; Civil War, first Marine Hospital, etc.). Chapter two in our textbook discusses the evolution of our healthcare system and is a good resource for this part of the presentation.

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