HC 351Understanding the Healthcare Process Responses
HC 351Understanding the Healthcare Process Responses essay assignment
HC 351Understanding the Healthcare Process Responses essay assignment
According to one Batalden and Davidoff (2007), there are many individuals and groups that want to see quality put back into healthcare. This often involves change, which creates its own set of challenges. In order to do this, we would need to use one of the many quality improvement techniques that have been proven to work. The basics of quality improvement include establishing a culture of quality, prioritizing potential areas for improvement, collecting and analyzing data, and committing to on-going evaluation (Basics of, n.d.). The use of these techniques will be the focus of this week’s discussion question.
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- Basic of quality improvement. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.aafp.org/practice-management/improveme…
- Batalden, P. & Davidoff, F. (2007). What is quality improvement and how can it transform healthcare? Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 16(1), 2-3
Unit Learning Outcomes
ULO 1: Identify and discuss various quality improvement initiatives (CLO 2 and 4).
ULO 2: Explain the role of management in implementing QI initiatives (CLO 4).
Initial Posting
For this week’s discussion question, you will explore the various quality initiative techniques available to a healthcare manager. You are the Quality Assurance Manager at Viking Hospital in Ft Bend, Indiana. It is a 547 bed facility. There is a 92-bed psychiatric practice and a 60-bed rehabilitation facility. We have a 5-story office building connected to the facility. Management has identified some areas of the hospital that have impacted the quality of care being provided. Your department has been charged to identify the best QI approach to address these issues. This is what you know so far:
- In the pharmacy department, we have recorded, over a 60-day period, lost charged totaling $20,000. Manager blaming it on nursing staff paper work;
- There were other lost charges, not yet quantified, resulting from other recording errors;
- There was evidence that the ancillary services were not ensuring that patient information was being entered into the charts – this impacts billing and patient discharges;
- A new approach was approved that would increase the number of OB/Gyn patients. It was embraced by the doctors and patients. However, the nursing staff and anesthesiologists opposed it. This caused some of the nursing staff to resign. Another nursing manager was put in-charge to implement the change. An issue came up with regard to charges. Each unit had separate charges. This resulted in duplicate and missed charges.
- The current practice is to send placentas to the lab for analysis for normal deliveries. This costs us 200.00. The medical staff do not believe this is necessary nor know why it was being done. It is not part of today’s standards.
- There has been an increase in the cost of inpatient drugs. We are spending roughly $1.5 million dollars per year.
You will develop a PowerPoint with recommendations on how to resolve these quality issues to be presented to senior management. Be sure to list the issue, the impact on the quality of care, the most appropriate technique to use and why, how it should be implemented (who should lead it and what resources would be needed), what is the expected outcome, and how would each area be monitored to ensure a successful implementation.
The initial posting of the recommendations should be prepared as a Microsoft™ PowerPoint document, and then attached to the unit discussion thread. There is no minimum or maximum in terms of slides; however, the response should explicitly address all required components of this discussion assignment. The document should be prepared as a PowerPoint and reflect higher-level cognitive processing (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation).
Support the initial posting with at least 3 references of credible or peer-reviewed sources. The in-text citations and the list of references should be consistent with the APA writing style (7th ed.). To earn the maximum number of points for the initial posting, the overall quality of the writing should be consistent with that expected of a college student and industry professional.
Peer Responses
It is important that healthcare managers become comfortable receiving and giving constructive criticisms since this is an important component in one’s professional growth and development, and a core competency for supervisory roles. Students will be expected to read the initial posting of at least TWO peers, and then provide thoughtful comments addressing the following:
- Point out what you perceived to be the strengths of the initial posting along with supporting rationale.
- Identify specific opportunities for improvement regarding the content in the initial posting. Furthermore, you should provide a supporting rationale for your stated position, as well as concrete suggestions and guidance intended to strengthen the effectiveness of the content.
Peer responses should be typed directly into the discussion thread and not attached to a posting. Each response should include at least one reference of credible or peer-reviewed sources to support the content within the posting. Proper in-text citations and correctly formatted references should be prepared consistent with the APA writing style (7th ed.). The list of references should be physically positioned at the end of the postings. To earn the maximum number of points for the peer responses, postings should contribute something new to the discussion thread.