Geriatric Case Study

Geriatric Case Study essay assignment

Geriatric Case Study essay assignment


· Review the interactive Geriatric Case Study and analyze the data to determine the health status of the patient.

· Follow the requirements posted in the rubric.

· Use the Word document that is located within the case study to complete the case study assignment.

· Your case study should be between five to seven pages depending on the complexity of the case.

All papers must conform to the most recent APA standards.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded

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This is the link that will take you to the video if you want to watch it, but below is the transcript.

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This case study consists of one hypothetical patient situation. After viewing the video, you should answer several questions about patient care. You can use outside materials to help you.

In your answers, you should make specific reference to relevant guidelines and other clinical information. The national guidelines should also be considered with treatment plans.

Access various aspects of the case using the tabs on the left. You will see an introduction video and a questions section. Download the Case Study Word template from within the Case Study Documents tab. Use this template to complete this assignment and then submit it to the submission page in your course


E.J. Transcript

E.J. is a 62-year-old Caucasian male who initially presented with new-onset symptoms of psychosis and mood liability thought to be connected with high-dose Prednisone treatment for poison ivy exposure. He was brought to an emergency room by his grandson approximately 11 months ago with extreme agitation. Evaluation of E.J. at that time revealed auditory hallucinations. E.J. noted that the whispering voices had a persecutory tone. He also expressed feelings of paranoia, saying that the voices were plotting against him and that he would not let them win. The patient is currently residing in the secure wing of an assisted living facility.


E.J. has a past medical history that includes hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peptic ulcer disease, and peripheral artery disease (with stents), but no prior psychiatric history. His mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Assignment Instructions

For your assignment, complete the following information based on the patient information you have been given. Include at least one Internet source and two evidence-based articles in addition to the assigned texts to support your recommendation(s).

1. Diagnoses, Differentials, and ICD Code(s): Provide your recommendations for each.

2. Medications: Provide your recommended drug therapy, including common side effects and potential or actual adverse drug responses (ADR), common drug and/or food interactions, and key monitoring points.

3. Psychosocial Issues: Discuss the psychosocial issues and circumstance(s) surrounding this case.

4. Variables Related to Aging and Mental Health: Describe unique patient variables that are involved in the patient’s response to aging and mental health.

5. Recommendations: Include non-pharmacological interventions. List any changes in care approaches you would suggest


Case Study Word Document they are referring to in the instructions: it is the same thing

Geriatric Case Study Assignment

E.J. is a 62-year-old Caucasian male who initially presented with new-onset symptoms of psychosis and mood liability thought to be connected with high-dose Prednisone treatment for poison ivy exposure. He was brought to an emergency room by his grandson approximately 11 months ago with extreme agitation. Evaluation of E.J. at that time revealed auditory hallucinations. E.J. noted that the whispering voices had a persecutory tone. He also expressed feelings of paranoia, saying that the voices were plotting against him and that he would not let them win. The patient is currently residing in the secure wing of an assisted living facility.


E.J. has a past medical history that includes hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peptic ulcer disease, and peripheral artery disease (with stents), but no prior psychiatric history. His mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Assignment Instructions

For your assignment, complete the following information based on the patient information you have been given. Include at least one Internet source and two evidence-based articles in addition to the assigned texts to support your recommendation(s).

1. Diagnoses, Differentials, and ICD Code(s):

Provide your recommendations for each.

2. Medications:

Provide your recommended drug therapy, including common side effects and potential or actual adverse drug responses (ADR), common drug and/or food interactions, and key monitoring points.

3. Psychosocial Issues:

Discuss the psychosocial issues and circumstance(s) surrounding this case.

4. Variables Related to Aging and Mental Health:

Describe unique patient variables that are involved in the patient’s response to aging and mental health.

5. Recommendations:

Include non-pharmacological interventions. List any changes in care approaches you would suggest.


Required Readings

· Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A., & Ruiz, P. (2015). Kaplan and Sadock’s synopsis of psychiatry: Behavioral sciences/clinical psychiatry (11th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

· Chapter 21: Neurocognitive disorders

· Johnson, K., & Vanderhoef, D. (2016). Psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner: Review and resource manual (4th ed.). Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.

· Chapter 11: Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders



· Rhodes, J. & Murphy, P.J. M. (Eds.) (2015).  Clinical consult to psychiatric nursing for advanced practice . New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

· Tusaie, K. R. & Fitzpatrick, J.J. (Eds.) (2013).  Advanced practice psychiatric nursing: Integrating psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, and complementary and alternative approaches . New York, NY: Springer Publishing.


Screening Tools

· PsychU Retrieved from:

· If you haven’t already done so, please register for access to this resource and search for applicable screening tools relevant to the assignments this week.


Use the following log in information to access the Symptom Media Library videos: Username: RegisNursing; Password: Regis0908

· Brief Psychotic Disorder Video

· A transcript for Brief Psychotic Disorder is available on the website, if needed

· Bi-Polar Disorder Current Episode Manic with Psychotic Features Video

· A transcript for Bi-Polar Disorder Current Episode Manic with Psychotic Features is available on the website, if needed

· Schizophrenia Video

· A transcript for Schizophrenia is available on the website, if needed

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