Ethical Decision Making in A Corporate Fraud Case Study
Ethical Decision Making in A Corporate Fraud Case Study essay assignment
Ethical Decision Making in A Corporate Fraud Case Study essay assignment
You are a director within your healthcare system at one of the local healthcare facilities and serve as an ad hoc ethics committee member. Your healthcare system’s ethics committee is a multidisciplinary team composed of physicians, nurses, social workers, administrators, chaplains, and other employees. The primary ethics team members include your Committee Chair, which is your Chief Nursing Officer, your company’s Legal Counsel, a Local Ethics Advisor, and several ad-hoc members. A situation has recently occurred at your facility, the ethics committee has requested your assistance to review the information and will require you to present this information at the next meeting.
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select to complete this assignment, one from an eBook, one for Arxis Financial, and one from the AMA Journal of Ethics on a case in Long Term Care. Information for the cases has been provided below. You will complete the Ethical Decision-Making Steps for this assignment. Use a heading for each section of the paper that reflects the step. Supporting external evidence will need to be presented using APA 7th Edition formatting. Provide at least four references from the last five years, collected from the weekly course content, and you may include a maximum of two additional resources outside of the weekly content from your own personal research. Be sure to add visual aids. Include a cover page and a reference page.
Steps to be included in your assignment:
Recognize the Background (The Circumstances Leading to the Ethics Conflict.)
Identify the Specific Ethical Question(s) that Need Clarification.
Consider the Related Ethical Principles and/or Organizational Values
Determine the Options for Response(s).
Recommend a Response(s).
Anticipate the Ethical Conflict.
Links to support you in your assignment:
Option 1: PDF of a Corporate Fraud Case involving HealthSouth
HealthSouth: A Case Study in Corporate Fraud by Chris Hamilton from Arxis Financial, Inc. Please click this hyperlink to access the ethics case PDF: Option 3 PDF of HealthSouth Ethics Case Study
Option 2: PDF of Ethics Case – Ethics and Intimate Sexual Activity in Long-Term Care
Please click the hyperlink to access the ethics case PDF: AMA Journal of Ethics Case Study in Long Term Care
ACHE Ethics Toolkit: Click the hyperlink to access the ACHE Ethics Toolkit Website ACHE Ethics Toolkit
ACHE Making Ethical Decisions (PDF) An article from Healthcare Executive magazine that outlines the multi-step process for ethical decision making. Click the hyperlink to access the ACHE Making Ethical Decisions (PDF): ACHE Ethical Decision Making Steps