Essay on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Essay on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Patients have difficulty exhaling all the air from the lungs
Exhaled air comes out more slowly than normal
At the end of full exhalation, an abnormal amount of air may still linger in the lungs
Obstructive lung diseases
The most common causes of obstructive lung disease are:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), which can have two components:
- Bronchitis and Emphysema
- Asthma
- Bronchiectasis
- Cystic Fibrosis
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – Definition
When chronic bronchitis and emphysema appear together
Preventable and treatable, but not able to be cured
Characterized by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible
Progressive disease associated with abnormal inflammatory response of the lung to noxious particles or gases
Chronic bronchitis and emphysema can each develop alone; however, they often occur together as one disease complex. COPD refers to two lung diseases, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, which occurs simultaneously. Patients demonstrate a variety of clinical manifestations associated with both disorders and the relative contribution of each respiratory disorder is difficult to acertain.
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- COPD – Chronic bronchitis
- Anatomic Alterations
- Chronic inflammation and swelling of the walls of the peripheral airways
- Excessive mucous production and accumulation
- Partial or total mucous plugging of the airways
- Smooth muscle constriction of the bronchial airways (bronchospasm)
- Air trapping and hyperinflation of alveoli (in the later stages)
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Diagnosed based on symptoms
- Cough with excessive sputum for at least three months for two consecutive years
- Emphysema
- Anatomic Alterations
- Permanent enlargement and destruction of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles (alveoli)
- Destruction of pulmonary capillaries
- Weakening of the distal airways, primarily the respiratory bronchioles
- Air trapping and hyperinflation
- Emphysema
- Diagnosed definitively only by lung biopsy or post-mortem exam
Two types
Normal anatomy
Acinus: A grouping of alveoli distal to a terminal bronchiole.
Normal Acinus
Centrilobular Emphysema
Centrilobular (centriacinar) emphysema is characterized by enlargement and destruction of the central part of the acinus (the respiratory bronchioles) with the more distal parts (the alveoli) remaining intact.
The respiratory bronchioles enlarge, become confluent, and are then destroyed.
Most common form of emphysema:
- Associated with cigarette smoking
- Panlobular Emphysema
In panlobular emphysema, the entire acinus is involved.
The normal structure of the alveoli and alveolar ducts are lost along with the loss of pulmonary parenchyma.
Bullae (emphysematous spaces greater than one cm) are often present in this type of emphysema.
Panulobular Emphysema
Panulobular emphysema can also be genetic.
Caused by Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
Protein that protects lung elastin from neutrophil elastase
Neutrophil elastase breaks down elastin during an inflammatory response, resulting in destruction of the alveolar walls
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin lab test
Normal range is 200-400 mg/dl
- Precise incidence of COPD is not known.
- 10-15 million people have chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or a combination of both.
- In 2004, the annual cost related to COPD was about $37.2 billion
- 4th leading cause of death
- Since 2000, more women than men have died of COPD
- The number one cause of COPD is cigarette smoking.
Mucocillary Escalator is damaged.
Damaged Tissues
& Cells
Plugging &
COPD Risk factors
- Risk factors are related to the total burden of inhaled particles over a person’s lifetime.
- Tobacco smoke
- Occupational dusts or chemicals
- Indoor air pollution (i.e., fuel particles related to cooking and heating in poorly vented dwellings)
- Outdoor air pollution (small effect in causing COPD)
- Conditions affecting normal lung growth may increase a person’s risk of developing COPD (low birth weight, chronic respiratory infections)
- Genetic predisposition (Alpha 1 Antrypsin Deficiency)
COPD Signs and Symptoms
COPD should be considered for any patient over 40 with the following symptoms:
- Dyspnea
- Chronic cough
- Chronic sputum production
- History of exposure to risk factors, such as tobacco smoke
Copd signs and symptoms
Pulmonary Function Testing can be used to help identify COPD.
FEV1: How much air a patient can blow out in one second.
COPD Signs and symptoms
Other signs and symptoms are:
- Increased Respiratory Rate
- Prolonged expiratory time
- Hoover’s Sign: Inward Movement of the lower ribs during inspiration
- Accessory Muscle Usage
- Tripod Positioning
- Barrel Chest
- Pursed-Lip Breathing
- Diminished Breath Sounds, Inspiratory Crackles, Expiratory Wheezing
- Digital Clubbing
- Hemoptysis
Stages of copd::
Stage 1: Mild COPD – Mild airflow limitation as seen on PFT’s. Symptoms may be so mild that the patient may not recognize abnormal lung function. FEV 1 is greater than 80% of the predicted value.
Stage 2: Moderate COPD – Worsening airflow limitation as seen on PFT’s. The patient often complains of shortness of breath upon exertion.
Patients usually will seek medical attention at this stage.
FEV 1 is between 50-80% of predicted
Stage 3: Severe COPD. Further worsening of airflow limitation.
Symptoms impact a patient’s quality of life
FEV 1 is between 30-49% of predicted
Stage 4: Very Severe COPD: Severe airflow limitation. Chronic ventilatory failure. Quality of life is very impaired. Exacerbations may be life-threatening. FEV 1 is less than 30% of predicted.
Diagnostic Studies for copd::
Chest X-ray – cannot definitively diagnose COPD, but can be used to rule out additional diagnoses such as TB or pneumonia.
Flattened hemidiaphragms
“Tram Tracks”: parallel, linear white shows that result from thickening of the airways. Seen in severe cases of chronic bronchitis
Right Heart Enlargement
Diagnostic Studies for copd
Arterial Blood Gas Measurement. This should be performed if ventilatory failure or right-sided heart failure is suspected.
Definition of ventilatory failure: PaO2 is < 60 mmHg and the PaCO2 > 50 mmHg with breathing room air
Bronchodilator reversibility testing to rule out asthma
Diagnostic studies for copd
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Screening
Pink Puffer vs. blue bloater
A patient with emphysema is sometimes referred to as a “pink puffer.”
Derived from a reddish complexion and pursed-lip breathing.
What causes this?
Progressive destruction of the distal airways and pulmonary capillaries
This destruction leads to reduced pulmonary blood flow throughout the lungs (an increased ventilation/perfusion ratio)(The ratio of the amount of air reaching the alveoli compared to the amount of blood reaching the alveoli).
To compensate for an increased V/Q ratio, the patient hyperventilates.
The increased RR works to maintain a relatively normal arterial oxygenation level, and causes a ruddy or flushed skin complexion.
During the end stage of emphysema, the patient’s oxygen status decreases and the carbon dioxide level increases
So, a patient with a rapid RR and a red complexion is called a pink puffer.
Pink puffer vs. Blue bloater
A patient with chronic bronchitis is sometimes referred to as a “blue bloater.”
Derived from cyanosis
What causes this?
Pulmonary capillaries are not damaged.
Patent responds to increased airway obstruction by decreasing ventilation and increasing cardiac output-hypoventilation
Leads to decreased V/Q ratio, which in turn leads to a decreased oxygen level in the blood and an increased CO2 level in the blood
The respiratory drive is depressed in patients with chronic ventilatory failure
The reduced arterial oxygenation levels and polycythemia cause cyanosis
Pink Puffer Vs. Blue Bloater
Pink Puffer
Body = thin
Chest = barrel chest
hypertrophy of accessory muscles
Breathing pattern = progressive dyspnea, labored, retractions, decreased chest excursion
I-E ratio= long exp phase
Cough = little / none
Sputum = little – mucoid
Blue Bloater
Body= heavy, stocky
Chest = normal
increased use of accessory muscles
Breathing pattern = variable, may not be dyspneic
I-E ratio = long exp phase
Cough = increased, frequent
Sputum = large amounts may be purulent
Pink Puffer Vs. Blue Bloater
Pink Puffer
Color = normal (pink)
Percussion = hyperresonance
Auscultation = diminished, may wheeze occasionally
Blood gases = slight hypoxemia, CO2 normal, HCO3 normal
PFT’s = obstructive pattern, reduced exp flows, increased TLC,RV,FRC, decreased DLCO, increased compliance
Essay on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Blue Bloater
Color = cyanotic (blue)
Percussion = dull
Auscultation = normal intensity, crackles, rhonchi
Blood gases= hypoxemia mod to severe, hypercapnia, compensated resp acidosis
PFT’s = obstructive pattern, reduced exp flows, normal lung volumes, DLCO normal, normal compliance
Pink puffer vs. blue bloater
Pink Puffer
Hematocrit = normal
EKG = decreased voltage, right axis deviation
X-ray = bronchovascular markings decreased, hyper-inflation
Bullae = yes
Cor-pulmonale = uncommon
Blue Bloater
Hematocrit = increased
EKG= right ventricular hypertrophy, Rt axis dev.
X-ray = bronchovascular markings increased, normal inflation
Bullae = no
Cor-pulmonale = common
Respiratory therapy role in copd treatment
Primary Goal: To reduce dyspnea and improve the patient’s quality of life
Smoking Cessation Program
Bronchodilators: Albuterol, Ipatropium Bromide
Corticosteroids: Advair, Solumedrol
Oxygen Therapy
Chest Percussion Therapy/Postural Drainage
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Respiratory therapy role in copd treatment
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Improve exercise tolerance
Educate the patient
Improve the overall quality of life
Increase lung function
Copd management
Surgical Options
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS)
Removes overextended, functionless lung to allow the other parts of the “good lung” to function better.
Lung Transplant
What Causes an exacerbation?
Pulmonary Edema
Pulmonary Embolism
Give oxygen therapy
Severe cases may require mechanical ventilation