Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response

Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response

  • In this week’s readings media program, Ms. Marren discussed how the nurses in New York responded during the 9/11 crisis. Ms. Marren also discussed how the Visiting Nurse Services emergency preparedness/disaster response plan has changed since 9/11. In addition, Dr. Guerra and Dr. DiFerdinando both discussed disaster responseactivities and strategies. Finally, the readings this week discussed the role of the nurse in bioterrorism and disaster management.Select a disaster that could happen in your community. Then, write a 3 pages paper outlining the following:
    • The disaster
    • How the professional nurse would use clinical judgment and decision-making skills to provide appropriate nursing care
    • Other health care professionals that may be involved in a response
    • Suggest strategies for improving your community’s response to your identified disasterREADING RESOURCES/TEXTBOOK:
    • Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Family, community and population-based care: Emergency preparedness and disaster response in community health nursing. Baltimore: Author.
      • Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 13 minutes.In this week’s media, Ms. Joan Marren, Dr. George DiFerdinando, and Dr. Guerra discuss finding ways to ensure the delivery of nursing care during disasters through emergency preparedness and disaster response. Ms. Marren shares her experiences of providing care to 1,400 patients immediately following 9/11, Dr. Guerra discusses how San Antonio responded when faced with evacuees from Hurricane Katrina, and Dr. DiFerdinando shares his experiences as the Acting Commissioner of Health in New Jersey during the Anthrax emergency

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Major emergencies, disasters and other crises are no respecters of national borders and
never occur at convenient times. The magnitude of human suffering caused by these events is
huge, and many aspects of people’s lives are affected – health, security, housing, access to food,
water and other life commodities, to name just a few. That is why it is vital to have emergency
plans in place, so that the effects of disasters on people and their assets can be mitigated, and a
coordinated response may be launched as effectively and efficiently as possible when disasters
or other crises strike. The aim is to save lives and reduce suffering.
Although many emergencies are often unpredictable, much can be done to prevent and
mitigate their effects as well as to strengthen the response capacity of communities at risk. The

World Health Organization is the lead agency for addressing the health aspects of emergency
preparedness and response. In 2005, its World Health Assembly (WHA) passed a resolution
calling on the Organization to provide technical guidance and support to countries building their
emergency response capacities, stressing a multisectoral and comprehensive approach. The
following year, another resolution called on Member States to further strengthen and integrate
their response programmes, especially at the community level, and emphasized interagency
cooperation at the international level. WHO Regional Committees have also passed resolutions
in support of emergency preparedness.

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In 2005, the Humanitarian Response Review, commissioned by the Emergency Relief
Coordinator, concluded that major improvements were needed in humanitarian response. The
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), the United Nations Economic and Social Council
and the UN General Assembly therefore recommended the implementation of a set of four
humanitarian reforms in order to improve the capacity, predictability, timeliness, effectiveness
and accountability of international humanitarian action including: the strengthening of the
Humanitarian Coordinators System, the establishment of a Central Emergency Response Fund
and other financial reforms, enhanced partnership between UN and non-UN humanitarian
agencies, and the cluster approach. WHO is the designated lead of the health cluster, the role of
which is to build global capacity for humanitarian health action by developing global guidance,
standards, tools and resources to inform, enhance and facilitate the implementation of the
Cluster Approach at the country level as well as to improve surge capacity, access to trained
technical expertise and material stockpiles to improve response operations. A key to achieving
the desired impact of these reforms, and specifically of the cluster approach, is the strengthening
of the preparedness capacity of countries and communities particularly at risk before emergency
The World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in January 2005 in Kobe, Japan,
adopted the Framework for Action 2005–2015: Building Resilience of Nations and
Communities to Disasters and provided and promoted a strategic and systematic approach to
reducing vulnerabilities and risks to hazards. WHO will partner the United Nations International
Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) and other UN and non-UN agencies in the 2008–2009
Safe Hospitals Initiative, which aims at building the resilience of hospitals and other health
facilities to disasters, both structural and functional, so that they would still be functional under
emergency situations.
Under the aegis of international policies, including WHA resolutions, and as part of its
mandate as the international health lead agency and the IASC global health cluster leader, WHO
intensified its work during 2006 in the field of emergency preparedness and response.
Beginning with the definition of its global strategy and moving gradually into the
implementation of the main directions highlighted in the strategy

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