Domestic Violence in The Private Realm of People Tied by Closeness Discussion

Domestic Violence in The Private Realm of People Tied by Closeness Discussion

Domestic Violence in The Private Realm of People Tied by Closeness Discussion

Question Description
I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For this week’s discussion, you will walk through the components needed to develop a logic model. Begin by developing a hypothesis statement for a program that you would like to develop in your community. For example, assume that in providing existing services, the needs of Latino students, who made up 16% of the high school population, were overlooked. Speculate with some “if/then” thinking about what might form the foundation of program hypotheses to meet the needs of these students.

Please respond to the following:

What is your hypothesis statement, and what is the social problem your program is addressing?
What are the multiple causal factors that contribute to the social problems related to your hypothesis?
Write out a goal statement for this program.
Identify and describe the purpose and outcome objectives for this proposed program. Be sure to explain how the outcome objective meets the needs of the target population.
Explain services (interventions or activities) or outputs that would help meet this outcome.

Whatever form you choose, a logic model ought to provide direction and clarity by presenting the big picture of change along with certain important details. Let’s illustrate the typical components of a logic model, using as an example a mentoring program in a community where the high-school dropout rate is very high. We’ll call this program “On Track.”

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Purpose, or mission. What motivates the need for change? This can also be expressed as the problems or opportunities that the program is addressing. (For On Track, the community focused advocates on the mission of enhancing healthy youth development to improve the high-school dropout rate.)
Context, or conditions. What is the climate in which change will take place? (How will new policies and programs for On Track be

Domestic Violence in The Private Realm of People Tied by Closeness Discussion
Domestic Violence in The Private Realm of People Tied by Closeness Discussion

aligned with existing ones? What trends compete with the effort to engage youth in positive activities? What is the political and economic climate for investing in youth development?)
Inputs, or resources or infrastructure. What raw materials will be used to conduct the effort or initiative? (In On Track, these materials are coordinator and volunteers in the mentoring program, agreements with participating school districts, and the endorsement of parent groups and community agencies.) Inputs can also include constraints on the program, such as regulations or funding gaps, which are barriers to your objectives.
Activities, or interventions. What will the initiative do with its resources to direct the course of change? (In our example, the program will train volunteer mentors and refer young people who might benefit from a mentor.) Your intervention, and thus your logic model, should be guided by a clear analysis of risk and protective factors.
Outputs. What evidence is there that the activities were performed as planned? (Indicators might include the number of mentors trained and youth referred, and the frequency, type, duration, and intensity of mentoring contacts.)
Effects, or results, consequences, outcomes, or impacts. What kinds of changes came about as a direct or indirect effect of the activities? (Two examples are bonding between adult mentors and youth and increased self-esteem among youth.)
Putting these elements together graphically gives the following basic structure for a logic model. The arrows between the boxes indicate that review and adjustment are an ongoing process – both in enacting the initiative and developing the model.


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