DNP 108 Topic 8 DQ 2 What changes will you need to make in order to have a feasible topic for your PICOT-D?

DNP 108 Topic 8 DQ 2 What changes will you need to make in order to have a feasible topic for your PICOT-D?

DNP 108 Topic 8 DQ 2 What changes will you need to make in order to have a feasible topic for your PICOT-D?

Sometimes topic ideas for a PICOT-D/DPI Project are intriguing, but not completely feasible for one reason or another. Based on the instructor feedback you have received, explain why you have, or do not have, a feasible topic for your PICOT-D. What changes will you need to make in order to have a feasible topic for your PICOT-D? If it is not feasible, what other topics are you considering?


I must be the odd one out here. I did not have a topic in mind when I started this program. I had no idea that I had to have an idea of what I wanted to work on or accomplish when I started this program and it was one of the things that delayed my starting the program in January among other things. Even when I applied, I still had no definite idea of what I wanted to do. So, based on my last stationed unit as a full-time case manager/discharge planner, I chose a topic that was dear to my heart to find a way to fix some of the issues that contributes to people having strokes especially recurrent strokes. Also, not having a practice site as well as a mentor was also another barrier to deciding on a topic and also not being in direct patient care anymore, I am not familiar with all the products and knowledge of all the things that are used in other areas of nursing except for the one in my unit and with discharge planning. Now that I have a mentor, I have to mention this topic to her and she will have to be comfortable with the topic as well or she may not be able to help guide me.

Based on Professor Etheridge’s feedback so far, it appears that my topic may or may not be feasible depending on the angle it takes. It will not be feasible as a nurse to teach preventive or monitoring strategies to other disciplinary professionals such as Physical or Occupational therapists or Nutritionists or even physicians unless I work in collaboration with them but for a nursing DPI project, I should be managing and directing the nurses involved. Also, since this is a quality improvement project, I have to be able to find enough articles that have dealt with this topic that will enable or effect a quality improvement (QI) change. Quality improvement is the framework used by healthcare professionals to improve the quality of health care provided to patients. Therefore, nurses are tasked with being part of the team to improve the quality of care given to patients since they are the primary care providers and very much concerned with the safety of patients (Adolfo, Albougami, Roque, & Almazan, 2021).

I will search more databases and review more articles to look for quality improvement interventions. I will also discuss some more with my mentor and professor to see what other ideas and feedback they will give me. Of which I will implement. If it is still not feasible, then I will have to pick another topic. Something in sepsis or hospital acquired infection.

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